Visiting Star Hill

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(The Smesh Arc starts now! I hope you enjoy this SmeshBras123!)

SmeshBras123 is laying on the couch in the castle, still upset about the recent events.

SmeshBras123: *Sigh*

Turlandb: Smesh?

SmeshBras123: Huh?

SmeshBras123 looks up, and sees Turlandb approaching him.

Turlandb: What's up, dude?

SmeshBras123: I'm still upset...

Turlandb: Hmm... Oh! I think I know how to make you happy again!

SmeshBras123: Hmm? How?

Turlandb: I'll be right back!

Turlandb teleports away somewhere.

SmeshBras123: Wonder what he's up to?

Turlandb teleports back after a minute.

Turlandb: Haha!

SmeshBras123: What is it?

Turlandb: The Colbat Star agreed to let me take you to Star Hill!

SmeshBras123: Star Hill?

Turlandb: It's where all the Stars in the Multiverse are born!

SmeshBras123: Whoa! Really?!

Turlandb: Indeed! Star Hill will cheer you up! Whatta ya say?

SmeshBras123: I say, let's go!

Turlandb: Awesome!

Turlandb activates his Star Power, and teleports himself and SmeshBras123 to the base of a large mountain.

SmeshBras123: Whoa! Where are we?

Turlandb: Welcome to Star Hill, Smesh!

SmeshBras123 looks around, and sees Mini-Stars flying around in the sky, as Starbits shoot through the sky.

SmeshBras123: Whoa... This is beautiful...

Turlandb: It doesn't stop there! I'll give you a tour of this place!

SmeshBras123: Sweet!

Turlandb: Follow me!

SmeshBras123 follows Turlandb.

SmeshBras123: What's all here?

Tutlandb: TONS of cool stuff! Like that!

Turlandb points, and SmeshBras123 sees a group of Starbits start shaking, as the glow.

SmeshBras123: Whoa! What's happening?

Turlandb: The Starbits are growing up!

The Starbits continue to glow, as they turn into Mini-Stars. The Mini-Stars stoo glowing.

SmeshBras123: WOW!

Turlandb: That's just one of the cool things here!

SmeshBras123: Oh? What else is here?

Turlandb: Battle Practice!

SmeshBras123: Battle Practice?

Turlandb: Over here.

SmeshBras123 follows Turlandb to a battlefield.

SmeshBras123: Is this a battlefield?

Turlandb: Indeed! Oi! Show me Anthony77!

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