Yellow Elemental Star, and Green Elemental Star

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(Laura: Here I am again! Hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Dad's still angry, so I'm gonna continue writing in here. Hope you enjoy this one!)

Bob: CaN wE sEe ThE yElLoW eLeMeNtAl StAr?

Laura: Sure!

Laura puts the White Elemental Star away, and gets out the Yellow Elemental Star.

Saiko: What does the yellow one do?

Laura holds up the Yellow Elemental Star, and it starts glowing. Light Energy generates from the Star.

Laura: This Elemental Star can use Light Energy to banish Dark and demonic energy! And it can grant Light Energy!

SMG4: That is awesome!

Laura: But being an Elemental Star, it can consume the entire world with light!

SMG4: Reminds me. Can you get this remaining Dark Energy off of me. Some of it is still there after that zuccer tube nightmare.

Laura: Sure!

The Yellow Elemental Star glows, and the remaining Dark Energy leaves SMG4.

SMG4: Thank you!

Laura: No problem!

Laura puts the Yellow Elemental Star away, and gets out the Green Elemental Star.

Tari: What does the green one do?

Laura: This Elemental Star has Earth Powers! It can do this!

The Green Elemental Star glows, and a giant chunk of rock comes out of the ground.

Mario: *JonTron voice* HOLY SHIT!

The chunk of rock goes back into the ground.

Laura: This Star can also raise chunks of rock the size of various asteroids!

SMG4: Damn!

Laura: And being an Elemental Star, its Earth Powers can rip the world into pieces!

Saiko: Wow!

Laura puts the Green Elemental Star away.

(Laura: This one was a little shorter, but that's what the Yellow and Green Elemental Stars can do! Hope you enjoyed this one! See you guys later!)

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