Smesh Gains Confidence!

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SmeshBras123. You, and everyone else, have been waiting for this moment! The epic finale of the Smesh Arc starts... Right now!

SmeshBras123: *Thoughts: I have to rescue them!*

Waluigi: Waahahahahahahahaha! You're too late, foolish Smesh!

SmeshBras123: Am I?! I WILL stop you and rescue my wife and friends!

Waluigi: I doubt it!

SmeshBras123: What the hell even happened to you?!

???: That... Was us!

SmeshBras123: Huh?!

Wario-Man and Xeggy appear.

SmeshBras123: NANI?!

Turlandb and Infinite try to break out of their ropes.

Turlandb/Infinite: MMPH!!!

Wario-Man: Wahahahahahahahaha! Hello!

SmeshBras123: You bastards! What did you do?!

Xeggy: We brainwashed Waluigi and captured the strongest beings in the Multiverse! We plan on brainwashing them and destroying all of you!

SmeshBras123: Oh, HELL no!

Wario-Man: Wahahahahaha! What are you gonna do?

Xeggy: As long as we have Waluigi, you're not winning this!

Waluigi dances and humps the air.

Xeggy: Anyway, we'll let Waluigi deal with you.

Wario-Man: Toodles!

Wario-Man and Xeggy disappear.

Waluigi: Wahahahahahahahahaha!

SmeshBras123: Well... Time to rescue my friends!

SmeshBras123 looks at Turlandb and Infinite, and remembers everything about how they managed to help cheer him up, giving him confidence.

SmeshBras123: My friends helped me feel better, and now I MUST return the favor!

SmeshBras123 glare at Waluigi.

SmeshBras123: I will take you down!

Waluigi: Wahahaha! Try me!

Waluigi fires a purple lightning bolt at SmeshBras123. The god jumps out of the way.

SmeshBras123: Nope!

SmeshBras123 jumps at Waluigi.

Waluigi: Wah?

SmeshBras123 tackles Waluigi, and starts punching him the face repeatedly.

SmeshBras123: Snap out of it!

Turlandb: *Thoughts: You got this, buddy!*

Infinite: *Thoughts: Come on, bestie! Slap the shit out of him!*

Waluigi: HEY! Get off-

SmeshBras123 bitch-slaps Waluigi.

SmeshBras123: Stop it. Stop it.

Waluigi: ... Nah.

Waluigi kicks SmeshBras123 through the wall. SmeshBras123 lands on the ground outside the castle.

SmeshBras123: OW!

Waluigi gets up, and goes outside.

Waluigi: You're not winning this!

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