Nice Try, Francis...

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Turlandb teleports back to his universe.

Turlandb: So...Francis thinks he can make me powerless, huh? Well, I'm about to give him a HUGE surprise!

Turlandb walks to JonWig's lab, where JonWig, Jen, Laura, Nick, AngryAlto, and DiesleBoi18 already are.

Jen: Honey, you made it!

Turlandb: I did... JonWig! Is it ready?

JonWig: Almost... and... complete!

JonWig holds up a potion.

Laura: Whoa!

Nick: Cool!

AngryAlto: Amazing!

DiesleBoi18: *Click* NOICE!

Turlandb: Awesome! Remind me what it does?

JonWog: You drink this potion, you will keep your powers FOREVER. Francis will NOT be able to make you powerless!

Turlandb: Nice!

JonWig gives the option to Turlandb.

Turlandb: Here we go!

Turlandb drinks the potion.

Turlandb: Hey! That was pretty good!

JonWig holds up a strange weapon.

JonWig: This weapon is designed to take away someone's powers. But this potion you just drank should stop that from happening. Now, let's prove this works!

Turlandb: Blast me!

JobWig pulls the trigger, and hits Turlandb.

Turlandb: OOF!!!

JonWig puts the strange weapon away.

JonWig: Well?

Turlandb summons a Mini-Star, a Power Star, and a Grand Star.

Turlandb: It worked!

Jen: What about your other powers, honey?

Turlandb uses his other powers, and turns into all of his forms, them goes back to normal.

Turlandb: I still have them all!

Laura: Awesome!

AngryAlto: Francis is in for one HELL of a surprise!

Turlandb: Indeed!

Everyone starts to leave JonWig's lab.

JonWig: Hold on, everyone!

Everyone turns around.

JonWig: I made multiple copies of this potion! You ALL can have one!

Jen: Ooooh!

Nick: Cool!

Jen, Laura, Nick, AngryAlto, and DiesleBoi18 each drink a potion.

Jen: Nice! Now we'll NEVER become powerless!

Turlandb: Thanks for your help, JonWig!

JonWig: No problem!

Everyone leaves

(Nice try, Francis! You're not making me, or my family powerless now! Anyways, see you later!)

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