It's Back... Again...

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Meanwhile, in the Lava Pits...

???: What the hell is making you think I should work with you and her?

Violet: Trust me... Jennifer is a trustworthy ally. You can definitely count on her to make you stronger.

???: Even if this is true, how do you expect my Corruptions to be any different? They were retarded back in 2017, and that didn't change when I worked with Anthony77 a few months ago.

Violet: Jennifer can help with that. She can make you powerful enough to where you can make your Corruptions MUCH stronger and WAY more intelligent.

???: Can you prove this? With my power I have right now, I can only summon the Garden versions of the Corruptions, and to do THAT, I need Rabbids.

Violet: Luckily for you, I brought one!

Violet holds out a smol Rabbid that has a headset on.

Spawny: *Whimpering*

???: Wait, WHAT?!

Violet: That's right, Megabug... I got Spawny.

Megabug: Heh heh heh...

Spawny: *Whimpering and squirming*

Violet: If you agree to work with us, I will give you Spawny.

Megabug: What's different about him this time?

Violet: Jennifer managed to kidnap Spawny and give him dark and evil corruption powers. If you merge yourself with Spawny, your Corruptions will be significantly stronger and smarter.

Megabug: I like what I'm hearing... But... Who is this Jennifer you speak of? I need to know who I'm working with before I agree to something.

Jennifer: *Appears* I'm Jennifer.

Megabug: Oh!

Jennifer: Forgive me for not making an appearance to you earlier. I was busy with those Multiversal Heroes.

Megabug: I've fought them before. Lost horribly. How can you promise any different?

Jennifer: With this powered up Spawny on your side, your corruptions will be extremely difficult to take care of. Make matters better, you won't even need a Rabbid to create a Corruption. You can summon them out of thin air.

Megabug: I see...

Jennifer: Do we have a deal?

Megabug: You got a deal.

Jennifer: Great. Spawny's all yours.

Spawny: Nonononononono...!!!

Megabug: Heh heh... Hand him over...

Violet tosses Spawny to Megabug. The virus catches Spawny and wraps his wings around the scared Rabbid.


Megabug merges himself with Spawny. The virus grows bigger and looks scarier.

Megabug: Heh heh heh... Yes...

Jennifer: Hehe. There's more you can do to become even stronger.

Megabug: Oh? What's that?

Jennifer: That Gamer Girl Cristina. She can make you even more powerful.

Megabug: ...How so?

Jennifer: She has a Game Gauntlet. It may look small, but it's actually filled with TONS of video game related powers. If you can merge yourself with her, your Corruptions will be UNSTOPPABLE.

Megabug: I really like what I'm hearing... What does this Cristina look like?

Jennifer taps her staff on the ground, then a holographic image of Cristina appears.

Megabug: That's Cristina?

Jennifer: Yes. This is her. However, do not underestimate her. She is under the protection of her husband. *Taps her staff on the ground*

A holographic image of Smesh appears.

Megabug: Who's this?

Jennifer: His name is Smesh. He is Cristina's husband. She is under not just his protection, but under the protection of all the Multiversal Heroes. It will not be easy to capture her.

Megabug: I see... Well, no matter what, I will capture this girl and merge myself with her.

Jennifer: I know you will. I do count on you to be a good ally to us.

Megabug: You can bet on it! I will not fail you!

Jennifer: Good. Now let's get out of this hot-ass lava pit. I'm sweating.

Violet: *Panting*

Jennifer taps her staff on the ground, and she, Violet, and Megabug teleport to Jennifer's hideout.

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