Super Universe Event

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Now you're probably wondering what the hell the title of this part is talking about. Lemme tell you...

WAY back in July/August, this was an agreement between me and KodiakB.

However, we couldn't officially make it happen... Until now!

This part takes place just a couple of days before KodiakB's story, (Clark) The Music Box.

Enjoy! :D

Turlandb: WOOHOO! Alrighty!

Machito: Heh heh!

Jen: It's happening...!

SB123 Clauds: It's actually happening...!

Clauds: A new Super Universe...!

M96 Clauds: *Squeals*

Mario/M96 Mario: *Their heads grow* Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!

Meggy: It's gonna happen!

M96 Meggy: A Super Universe! We can hang with our friends without traveling between the two universes!

SMG4: Oi! Other me! Think of all the memez we can create now! :D

M96 SMG4: And the subscribers! :D

Both SMG4s: Yeaaaaaaaaah, boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Tari/Yang: *Giggle*

M96 Tari: This is so exciting...!

Metro: Indeed it is!

Boopkins/M96 Boopkins: Yippee! More anime!

Bob: HoLy CrAp, ThEy WeRe NoT kIdDiNg! It'S aCtUaLlY gOiNg To HaPpEn!

M96 Bob: HeLl YeAh! MoRe AnImE bWoObIeZ!

Turlandb: You ready, bro?!

Machito: Hell yeah, I'm ready!

Turlandb: Let's do this!

The two gods summon two powerful energy balls and fly into them, ending up outside the Tb and M96 universes.

Turlandb: Okay... Here we go!

Machito: Let's create a new Super Universe!

Turlandb and Machito hold out their hands toward their universes as they start shaking.

Laura: W-whoa...!

Ruby: Holy...!

Raiko: Losing balance...! *Falls*

Clark: *Catches Raiko*

Turlandb: And... NOW!

The two gods move the universes towards each other, the two energy balls also move towards each other.

Saiko: They're doing it!

M96 Saiko: They're coming together!

The two universes and the two energy balls come together, causing a MASSIVE flash of white light.

Everyone: WHOA!!!!!

Turlandb: WOW!

Machito: YEAH!

The light eventually subsides... A new Super Universe is now born!

Jen/All Clauds: THEY DID IT!!!

Everyone starts cheering as they see that the two energy balls are now together as one. Turlandb and Machito fly out of it.

Turlandb: That was AWESOME!

Machito: Indeed, bro!

Jen/Laura: *Runs to Turlandb and hug him tight*

All Clauds: *Run to Machito and hug him tight*

Turlandb and Machito hug their loved ones back.


Metro: You heard the Marios!!! Let's go!!!

Everyone heads inside the castle.

Turlandb: Well... I guess we can welcome ourselves to a new Super Universe life!

Machito: Yes, we can!

Bowser/M96 Bowser: WHO WANTS A BUFFET?!


And there you have it! Turco and Machito have successfully combined their universes into a Super Universe! :D

Mini One-Shot.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя