Elemental Stars

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If you read Vacation to Planet Wisp, you might've been confused what the Elemental Stars were that Laura used to take down Nega Mother Wisp. So I'll explain what they are.

The Elemental Stars were gifts given to the Star Children by the Star Spirits. There are seven of them, and they act similar to the Chaos Emeralds, except the Elemental Stars are stronger. The seven Elemental Stars are:

Purple Elemental Star: This is the strongest of all the Elemental Stars. It gives tremendous power to anyone. It can rival any of the other Elemental Star's powers, and has the ability to destroy/reset the world.

Light-Blue Elemental Star: This Star can freeze litteraly anything with its Ice Powers, and can freeze it for as long as 1000 years. Its ice is unbreakable, so if it freezes a person they're not getting out (unless the Red Elemental Star is used. Red Elemental Star details later). It has the ability to encase the world in ice. Can rival the Blue Elemental Star (Blue Elemental Star details later).

Red Elemental Star: This Star can control anything that's fire with its Fire Powers, and can generate flames hotter than the core of the sun. It has the ability to scorch the world in fire. Can rival the Light-Blue Elemental Star.

Blue Elemental Star: This Star can control anything that's water with its Water Powers, and can put out any type of fire. It has the ability to flood the whole world. Can rival the Red Elemental Star.

Green Elemental Star: This Star can control the world with its Earth Powers. It can raise chunks of rock the size of various asteroids. It has the ability to split the world into pieces.

Yellow Elemental Star: This Star can use light energy and banish dark and demonic energy with its Light Powers. It has the ability to consume the world with light.

White Elemental Star: This is the weakest of all the Elemental Stars. This Star can control wind with its Air Powers. It can summon tornadoes as wide as ten miles. Its wind can rip anything off the ground, from trees, to skyscrapers and can reach speeds of up to 500 MPH. Its wind has the ability to erase life from existance in the world.

The Elemental Stars also have dark and negative energy inside them that can frighteningly be used for evil purposes. If the Yellow Elemental Star releases it's dark and negative energy, it uses Dark Energy instead, releasing dark and demonic energy, and has the ability to swallow the world in darkness.

If someone absorbs one of the Elemental Star's powers, then that person will gain that Star's Elemental Power for a certain time.

If someone absorbs all of the Elemental Stars, then that person will transform into their Super form, and gain lots of power (similar to the Chaos Emeralds).

Now you know what the Elemental Stars are and what they can do.

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