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Turlandb: Ngh... can I finally rest today...?

Jen: You okay, sweetie?

Turlandb: Yeah... I just wanna have a day all to myself...

Jen: I see...

News reporter: BREAKING NEWS! Some criminals are holding tons of people hostage while setting up a bomb in a bank! Police are unable to enter!

Turlandb: ...

Jen: Uh oh...


Turlandb teleports away.

Jen: Turco?!

Turlandb: *Reappears at the said bank* I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!

Criminal leader: What the?!

Turlandb: Defuse that bomb and leave now, or feel the wrath of the Star's protector!

Criminal leader: *Gordon Ramsay voice* How about, FUCK YOU-

Turlandb: *Grabs his head and starts striking it with a ton of lightning*

Criminal leader: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- *Head explodes, spraying blood*

Criminals: *Sr. Pelo gasp*


Criminal: 2: SNATCH AND RUN, YO!

The criminals defuse the bomb and run away.

Turlandb: Good... Now it's over-

*Distant explosion*

Civilians: AH!!!

Turlandb: What the?!

Turlandb runs outside. Wario-Man and Xeggy run out if a science lab with seven cases.

Wario-Man: WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We got our supplies! Let's get out!

Xeggy: Hell yes!


Wario-Man: Wah?

Xeggy: What-

Turlandb teleports in between the villainous couple and starts striking them with yellow lightning.



The seven cases get thrown into the air. The Star God catches them and returns then to the scientists.

Scientist 1: Thank yooouuuuuuuuuu!

Turlandb: Yeah, no problem.

Xeggy: Grrr...! You little shit!

Turlandb: What, you want some more?!

Xeggy: You're going to pay!

Lightning starts crackling on Turlandb's arms.

Turlandb: Then let's fucking go, Xeggy! I'll spill your blood!

Xeggy: I'll kill you here!

Turlandb and Xeggy fly at each other and start fighting. The fight lasts for a half hour before Turlandb gets the upper hand.

Xeggy: Agh!

Turlandb: *Grabs a lance and stabs it through Xeggy's stomach, spraying lots of blood*

Xeggy: GAH!!!

Turlandb kicks the evil Inkling clone off the lance and throws it away.

Xeggy: *Coughs out blood*

Turlandb: Leave now, and I will spare you! Continue fighting me and I will end your evil, sad-ass life right fucking HERE!

Yellow lightning continues crackling on Turlandb's arms, actually scaring Xeggy a little.

Xeggy: O_O

Turlandb: WELL?!

Xeggy teleports away. Wario-Man runs up behind the Star God and punches the back of his head, sending him flying into a building.

Turlandb: OOF!

Wario-Man: YOU ASSHOLE! You will pay for hurting my girl!

Turlandb pulls himself out of the building, slowly turning around and facing Wario-Man with complete RAGE in his eyes while breathing heavily.

Wario-Man: *Growls*

Turlandb: ...You...

Wario-Man: Wah?

Turlandb: If you don't wanna be hurt... You will flee... RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!

Turlandb's eyes turn from blue to red, as the yellow lightning turns into dark purple lightning, as does the Amulet. The dark purple lightning crackles on Turlandb's arms.

Wario-Man: O_O *Shakes it off* F-fuck you...!

Turlandb: ...Do I sense... Fear?

Wario-Man: N-no! Hell no! I NEVER show fear!

Turlandb: Then I will spill your blood right here, right now! HYAH!

Turlandb flies at Wario-man and grabs him, then does and aerial front flip and slams Wario-Man on the ground, cracking the villain's skull and spine and shattering a few ribs.

Wario-Man: GAH!

Turlandb summons his staff and starts hitting Wario-Man several times with it, making blood fly out of the villain's mpith.

Wario-Man: BLAEUGH!

Turlandb: *Strikes Wario-Man with a large dark purple lightning bolt*

Wario-Man: OOF!!!


Wario-Man: *Head shrinks* E-eep...

Wario-Man quickly disappears.

Turlandb: ...

Turlandb's eyes go back to normal blue, and the lightning turns back to normal yellow. The Amulet goes back to its normal green color.

Turlandb: And that's that... Now to go back home...

Turlandb teleports home.

Jen: !!! Sweetie!!! What happened?!?!

Turlandb: After the bank, I fought off Xeggy and Wario-Man. I made them run away in fear.

Jen: Ah. I see.

Turlandb: I need a fucking break... Damn it... And I need to clear my mind...

Jen: ... :3

Jen wraps her arms around her husband.

Turlandb: Hmm...?

Jen: I can help you with that~ ;3

Turlandb: O-oh...~

Jen giggles and drags her husband into their room.

(...That was a brutal fight... Heh heh... I love brutality...)

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