Mario and...the Goo

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(Credit to phonegamingandy for this idea.)

It was just another day in the SMG4 world. Everyone is having a good time at the castle. Meanwhile, with JonWig...

JonWig: There...we...go! That chemical is mixed with that one...and...this healing thing is almost complete! Once it's finished, it can heal ANYTHING! Just gotta mix one last thing--

The test-subject teletubby starts being stupid.

JonWig: Hey, shut up!

Teletubby: How 'bout no?

The teletubby breaks out, and starts destroying crap.

JonWig: Hey! Stop that! Get back in the cage!

The teletubby runs past JonWig, and he almost loses his balance, and doesn't realize that the wrong chemical got mixed. The teletubby finally goes back into the cage, and JonWig slams the door shut.

JonWig: Finally! And stay in there!

JonWig turns around, and sees his problem.

JonWig: Oh, shhhh*t!

A purple goo-like substance rises out of the glass, and spills onto the floor, the goo continues growing.

JonWig: Sh*tsh*tsh*t!

The goo flows to the teletubby.

Teletubby: Oh, hello there!

The goo wraps itself around the teletubby.

Teletubby: Hehe! That tickles!

The goo submerges the teletubby.

JonWig: What the hell?!

The goo comes off the Teletubby, and the teletubby is now a T-Pose zombie.

JonWig: Nononononono! Good thing I always have one of these!

JonWig gets out a 1-Up Mushroom, and throws it at the T-Posed teletubby. Nothing happens.

JonWig: WHAAAT?! It's not curable!

The goo makes it's way to JonWig.

JonWig: Oh, hell no! I'm outta here!

JonWig dashes out of his house and sprints for the castle. The goo follows him. JonWig enters the castle 20 minutes later, out of breath.

JonWig: Turlandb!

Turlandb: JonWig? What's up?

JonWig: I accidentally created a purple goo that T-Poses you if it touches you!

Turlandb: WHAT?!

Mario: Oh, not that again!

Meggy: Mario, don't let it touch me!

SMG4: What?! We have to deal with another T-Pose outbreak?!

CoolGirlJen19: Where is the goo now, JonWig?

JonWig: That's a very good question!

Suddenly, the front doors of the castle explodes, and the blob of goo comes inside.

Mario/Meggy/SMG4: *Screams*

Turlandb: HOLY SH*T!

JonWig: Don't let it touch you!

Laura: *Screams*

Bob comes out.

Bob: AnOtHeR lOvElY dAy FoR aNiMe--HoLy Sh*t WhAt HaPpEnEd HeRe?!

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