Smesh's Apology

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(Chapter requested by SmeshBras123)

SmeshBras123: Wait...

Cristina: What?

SmeshBras123: I just realized... I was a huge dick to my friends! Even my best friend!

Cristina: Wait... holy hell... I think we both were.

SmeshBras123: Goddammit... I didn't even realize I was being a jerk...

SmeshBras123 sheds a tear, as Cristina hugs him tightly.

SmeshBras123: How could I do that...? I NEVER wanna hurt my friends... especially my best friend...

Cristina: We better go apologize to them.

SmeshBras123: Yeah...

SmeshBras123 and Cristina teleport to Turlandb's universe.

(Meanwhile, in Turlandb's universe...)

Turlandb: Well, that was a fun Mario Kart match.

Jen: Indeed.

Infinite finds Turlandb.

Infinite: Turlandb. Smesh and Cristina are back. They have something they wanna say to us.

Turlandb: Really? Okay, then.

Turlandb, Jen, and Infinite teleport to the castle.

SmeshBras123: Oh, good... you're all here...

Turlandb: What's up, Smesh?

SmeshBras123: Me and Cristina wanna apologize for being huge jerks to you guys during that Mario Kart match... We NEVER wanna sound like the bad guys...

Cristina: We hope you forgive us...

Turlandb: I forgive you.

Infinite: We all do.

SmeshBras123: Thanks... but I still feel sad...

Turlandb: Hmm... how about we each do something that'll cheer you up again?

Jen: Yeah!

Infinite: I wanna see my best friend happy!

SmeshBras123: Really? Well... okay.

Turlandb: Awesome!

(We forgive you, Smesh and Cristina...)

(This is the start of the Smesh Arc. Get ready for the first story arc to appear in this story.)

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