BRUTALITY!: Infinite Version

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Infinite: *Decapitates Xeggy, spraying blood*

Xeggy: *Falls to the ground*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: *Drinks a Fanta* Tastes like victory!


Infinite: *Stabs through Novius's chest, impaling his heart on his sword, then rips it out*

Novius: *Coughs up a ton of blood and falls to the ground*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: *Drinks a Fanta* Tastes like victory!


Infinite: *His arm turns into a rock and he punches through Void's skull, making her brains explode*

Void: *Gets sent flying into the wall*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: *Drinks a Fanta* Tastes like victory!


Infinite: *Pushes his thumbs into Syn Jackal's eyes and gouges them out, then pushes his thumbs further in and rips Syn's brain with his thumbs, blood sprays*

Syn Jackal: *Falls to the ground*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: Lights out. *Twirls his sword*


Infinite: *Shoves Mephiles to the ground and stomps on his head, making his brains explode*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: Lights out. *Twirls his sword*


Infinite: *Breathes fire on SMGX and burns him to a crisp*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: *Drinks a Fanta* Tastes like victory!


Infinite: *Slices Wario-Man in half vertically with his sword, spraying a ton of blood*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: *Drinks a Fanta* Tastes like victory!


Infinite: *Rips Zelus's face off with his bare hands, spraying blood*

Zelus: *Falls to the ground*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: Lights out. *Twirls his sword*


Infinite: *Forces Rocky's mouth open and breathes scorching hot fire into his mouth, making his head and neck melt, then destroys the Voidstone*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: Lights out. *Twirls his sword*


Infinite: ...

Shadownova: Fuck...

Infinite: *Turns G.O.E. and charges through Shadownova's chest, making his body explode into pieces, spraying tons of blood, bone, intestines, and brains*

BRUTALITY! Infinite wins!

Infinite: Lights out. *Twirls his sword*


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