Ice Jen

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(This chapter is VERY short, but the title should be obvious.)

Jen is standing on top of a mountain.

Jen: Ahh... Almost nothing better than being in the cold weather... I love the cool breeze and snow and ice...

Turlandb teleports there holding a Fire Flower.

Turlandb: Brrr!

Jen: Hey, honey!

Turlandb: J-J-Jesus C-Christ, h-how the hell are you not sh-shivering...?

Jen: *Unamused face* I'm the Ice Goddess.

Turlandb: R-Right...

Jen looks at her hands.

Jen: Honey... I feel stronger...

Turlandb: W-What are you talking about? Brrr... Y-You're in your h-home...!

Jen feels a huge energy surge go through her.

Jen: W-whoa...

Jen turns into a brand new form.

Turlandb: *J-Jen...!

Jen: Yes... I am now...

*Ice appears in Jen's hands*

Ice Jen: Ice Jen!

Turlandb gets a nosebleed.

(Ice Jen...)

*Meanwhile, with Laura...*

Laura: Don't worry... I'll keep this Star guarded...

The Purple Elemental Star glows, as it enters Laura's body.

Laura: Kylie... If I see you again... You are going to GET it!

Mini One-Shot.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora