White Elemental Star

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(Laura: Hey, guys! Laura here! Dad is...well...still pretty pissed off about SMG4's update video, so I'll take over for a bit. Enjoy!)

The gang is in the castle when Laura comes in.

Meggy: Hi, Laura!

Laura: Hey, Meggy!

Mario: Is Turlandb calmed down?

Laura: Well...


Laura: Hey, Mom!

CoolGirlJen19: Hey, Laura!

Laura: You going somewhere?

CoolGirlJen19: Yup. I'm going to Inkopolis.

Laura: Is Dad calmed down?

CoolGirlJen19: Oh, hell no! That's why I'm leaving. Look in the backyard.

Laura goes to the sliding glass door that leads to the back yard.

Laura: Is Dad okay--WHAT THE HELL?!

Laura looks out the glass, and sees Turlandb throwing and and beating up a training dummy with SMG4's face on it.


Turlandb throws the dummy into the air.

Turlandb: BOMB!

A black bomb falls from the sky and hits the dummy, then explodes. The dummy explodes with the bomb.

Laura: Holy shit! And I thought SmeshBras123 was pissed off!

CoolGirlJen19: Probably a good idea to get out of here. Where's Nick?

Laura: He's also in Inkopolis.

Turlandb yells in anger again, as another SMG4 dummy explodes.

Laura: Yeah...I'm gonna go to the castle.

CoolGirlJen19: Have fun!

Turlandb continues to yell in anger.

*Flashback ends*

Mario: Jesus Christ!

Laura: Yup. All I can say is, I hope SMG4 doesn't make a fatal mistake anytime soon.

Tari: You're telling me!

SMG4 slowly comes out of his room.

SMG4: Is Turandb out here?

Laura: Nope! Just us!

SMG4: Thank God!

Meggy: Hey, Laura. I heard you have something called the Elemental Stars. What are those?

Laura: Oh. It's these.

Laura holds up the seven Elemental Stars.

Mario: Whoa!

Laura: Each one has a unique Elemental Power!

Saiko: How strong are they?

Laura: The Purple Star is the strongest, the Red, Blue, and Light-Blue Stars follow the Purple Star, the Green and Yellow Stars follow them, and the White Star is the weakest. But all of them have one thing in common, their Elemental Stars have the power to destroy the planet!

SMG4: *JonTron voice* HOLY SHIT!

Meggy: How did you get them?

Laura: They were gifts given to the Star Children by the Star Spirits!

Saiko: Damn!

Mario: Can we see what their Elemental Powers are?

Laura: I guess I could use a little bit of their power and show you guys.

Bob: ThEsE sTaRs SoUnD lIkE tHeY cOuLd EvEn TaKe On SmEsHbRaS123!

Laura: Maybe.

Fishy Boopkins: Come on! Let's see what they can do!

Laura: Alright, follow me outside!

Everyone follows Laura outside.

Laura: I'll start with the White Elemental Star, since that one is the weakest.

Bob: WhAt DoEs ThE wHiTe OnE dO?

Laura: The White Elemental Star uses the Element of Wind! It can raise wind speeds! Check it out!

Laura holds up the White Elemental Star, and it starts glowing. The wind speeds to 10 MPH.

Mario: Whoa! Hey!

Meggy: Can you make it go faster?

Laura: Of course!

The White Elemental Star glows again, and the wind speeds up to 40 MPH.

Saiko: Whoa!

SMG4: How fast can the wind go?!

Laura: Hold on to something!

The gang each runs to a tree, and hangs on right. The White Elemental Star glows again, and the wind speeds up to 70 MPH.

Tari: *Struggling to hang on* WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!

Mario: *Struggling to hang on* THIS IS FAST AS HELL!!

Laura: This isn't even CLOSE to its top speed!

The White Elemental Star glows again, and the wind speeds up to 100 MPH. At this point, the trees start slowly ripping from the ground.


Laura: I'll stop it!

The White Elemental Star glows one last time, and the wind speeds go back to normal. Everyone lets go of their trees.

Mario: Was that as fast as it could go?!

Laura: Not even close!

Saiko: WHAT?! If that wasn't its top speed, then what is it?!

Laura: The White Elemental Star can summon wind speeds of up to 500 miles per hour!


Laura: That's not all!

Meggy: What?!

Laura: The White Elemental Star can summon tornadoes up to 10 miles wide!

Bob: HoLy TiTs!!

Laura: To top it all off...

SMG4: Oh, God! What else can it do?!

Laura: The White Elemental Star's winds can be powerful enough to erase life from existance on the planet!

Mario: I don't think we want this Star to fall into the wrong hands!

Meggy: Agreed!

Bob: CaN wE sEe ThE yElLoW eLeMeNtAl StAr NeXt?

Laura: Sure!

(Laura: Well, there's my first chapter from me! Hope you enjoyed! I'll write more of these later, due to Dad still extremely pissed off. I'll show what the Yellow Elemental Star can do next. See you guys later!)

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