Having Fun With The Wisps

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Cristina sighs.

Crystal: Hey, Cristina.

Cristina: Oh. Hey, Crystal.

Crystal: Feel better?

Cristina: Yeah. I'm still a little upset, though.

Crystal: Hmm... Oh! How about we play with your little Wisp friend?

Cristina: Hmm... I've never done that, yet. I might have to do that.

The Red Wisp does a backflip.

Cristina: It can't be just us, though. I'm gonna call Jen.

Crystal: Okay!

Cristina calls Jen. Jen teleports over to them.

Jen: So, we're playing with your little Wisp friend?

Critsina: Yup!

The Red Wisp does its happy alien language.

Cristina: He's ready to play!

The Red Wisp enters Cristina's body.

Cristina: Ooh!

Cristina turns into Red Burst.

Cristina: Haha!

Cristina jumps around in the air.

Crystal: *Laughs*

Cristina: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Cristina lands back on the ground, and turns back to normal, as the Red Wisp exits her body.

Jen: *Laughs*

Cristina: That was fun!

A Yellow Wisp and an Orange Wisp flies down from the sky.

Jen: Oh!

Crystal: There's more!

Cristina: Nice!

Crystal: I wanna try out the Rocket!

The Orange Wisp does a backflip and goes into Crystal's body.

Crystal: Ooooooooh!

Crystal turns into Orange Rocket. Jen and Cristina grab onto Crystal.

Crystal: Oh, you wanna come with me?

Jen: Yeah!

Cristina: Let's go!

Crystal rockets into the air, as Jen and Cristina hold on to the Rocket.

Jen/Cristina: WOOHOO!!!

Crystal: YEAH!!!

Crystal turns back to normal, and the gals start floating back down to the ground.

Cristina: Whoa...

Crystal: Pretty view.

The gals land back on the ground, and the Orange Wisp exits Crystal's body.

Jen: And my personal favorite, the Drill!

Two more Yellow Wisps fly down from the sky.

Cristina: Oooh!

The three Yellow Wisps enter the gals' bodies.

Jen: Here we go!

The gals each turn into Yellow Drill, and they dig into the ground.

Crystal: Aw, yeah!

Cristina: This is awesome!

Jen: I love this!

The gals dig into a lake, and start swimming effortlessly.

Cristina: Hell yeah!

Crystal: Ooooooooh, this is nice!

Jen: Always fun to go for a swim!

The gals jump out of the water and turn back to normal, as the three Yellow Wisps exit their bodies.

Cristina: That was fun!

Jen: Glad you liked it!

Crystal: Feeling better, Cristina?

Cristina: Yeah, I am! You two completely cheered me up! :D

Jen: Awesome!

Crystal: Let's go see the boys at the castle.

Cristina: Okay!

The gals all walk to the castle. Cristina's Red Wisp friend follows them.

Crystal: What's been going on lately?

Jen: Smesh gave me this a couple days ago.

Jen shows Crystal her Umbra Watch.

Crystal: Whoa! Smesh gave you and Umbra Watch?

Jen: He said it was a thank you for helping him and Cristina feel better.

Cristina: Yup!

Crystal: *Giggle* Have you been teasing Turco with it?

Jen: *Giggle* Yes, I have. It's fun!

Cristina: Mybe you two should tease your husbands when we get to the castle.

Crystal: You know what? That's a great idea!

Jen: Yeah, it is!

The gals arrive at the castle, but something seems... Off.

Crystal: Weird... Why are the windows broken?

Cristina: I dunno...

The gals enter the castle, and they find Turlandb, Infinite, and the SMG4 crew all tied up.

Jen: *Gasp*

Crystal: BOYS!

Turlandb: Mmph!

Crystal and Jen run to their husbands.

Cristina: Wait... Where's Smesh?!

???: Waahahahahahahaha!

Crystal: Huh?

Jen: Was that-

Two lightning bolts come out of nowhere and hit Jen and Crystal, knocking them out.

Turlandb/Infinite: MMPH!!!

Cristina: NO!!!

Someone grabs Cristina and throws her into the wall.

Cristina: Agh!

???: Waahahahahahahaha!

Cristina: No... That's-

A brainwashed Waluigi appears.

Waluigi: Waahahahahahahahaha!

Cristina: GRRR!!!

Cristina charges at Waluigi, but the rejection master fires a lightning bolt at her and knocks her out.

Waluigi: Fool!

SmeshBras123 bursts into the castle and sees the chaos.

SmeshBras123: WHAT THE HELL?!

Waluigi: Wah?

SmeshBras123 sees Turlandb, Infinite, and the SMG4 crew tied up, and the gals knocked out.

SmeshBras123: NOOO!!!

Waluigi: Waahahahahahahaha! You're too late!

SmeshBras123: *Thoughts: I have to rescue them!*

(So Cristina is fully cheered up, but Waluigi has been brainwashed and is attempting to kill us! Will Smesh be able to rescue us? The epic finale of the Smesh Arc is next! Anyways, see you later!)

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