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...Within another dimension... A terrifying enemy is locked away... This being is extremely dangerous... Seeking nothing but pure destruction... His name...

Executor Dragon.

Executor Dragon: ... *His purple eyes open and glow* ...You cannot keep me in here forever, Star God... I will break out, and my destruction will continue... I am the Grand God of Chaos... I will stop at NOTHING to achieve my goal... And my brother... Witherzilla... My archenemy... Thanks to you, he's gone... I won't have to worry about him... With him out of the way, the Multiverse will fall victim to my destruction once more... This time, I will finish the job... Anything I can't control, I must destroy... As I said... I am the Grand God of Chaos... NOTHING AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME...

Stay tuned for...

Coming in August 2020

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