New Characters

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Turlandb: Nice to see you all come by!

Trevor: No problem!

Max: Our pleasure!

Spencer: Yeah!

Jacob/Devin/Wesly: Whoo!

Lucas: Pingas.

Chad/Mason: Yeah!

Trentino: *Sharpening his flaming sword* Mmhmm!

Dalton: No problem!

Colby: *Thumbs up*

Jadelyn: It's all good.

A.P./E.P.: Woohoo!

Sharaya/Maya: *Checking over their weapons*

Megan: It's cool!

Anna: *Giggle*

Turlandb: Glad to see you're back home, Anna!

Anna: Me too!

Turlandb: Jen will be happy to see you! So will Laura!

Anna: Can't wait to finally see my little sister again, and finally meet my niece!

Turlandb: She should be here pretty soon.

Spencer: Turco?

Turlandb: Yeah?

Spencer: Anything here I can punch the hell out of?

A punching bag suddenly appears (SMG4 logic).

Spencer: *Eyes sparkle* OOOOOH!!!

Spencer starts beating the shit out of the punching back.

Turlandb: *Chuckle*

AngryAlto comes into the castle.

Colby: Hey!

AngryAlto: Huh? Sweetie?

Colby: What's up?

AngryAlto squeals, as Colby hugs her.

A.P.: This is exciting!

E.P.: You said it, sis!


Mario accidently hits Lucas with a rock.

Lucas: OW!

Mario: Whoops! Sorry about that!

Lucas: U wot?!

Mario: Hmm?

Lucas: I'm gonna shove a shrimp up your ass!

Mario: Oh, bring it on!

Lucas and Mario start slapping each other.

Devin: Those two could be good friends.

Wesly: Agreed.

Turlandb: Good thing Lucas is smarter than he looks and sounds.

Max: Right. He's a good ally.

Snowflakes appear and start coming together.

Turlandb: Here comes Jen!

Anna: Yes!

Jen forms.

Jen: Whoo!

Turlandb: Hey, sweetie!

Jen sees Anna.

Jen: Wait... Sis...?

Anna: Hey, little sis!

Jen: Oh... My... God...!

Anna smiles.

Anna: I'm back!

Jen runs to Anna and hugs her tightly.

Jen: Sis!

Anna hugs back.

Anna: Heya, Jen!

Jen: A lot has happened since I last saw you!

Anna: I know. Turlandb said that you both have a daughter.

Jen: Yup! Laura! I can't wait for you to finally meet her!

Anna: Same!

Laura comes into the castle.

Laura: I heard all of Dad's friends are here?

Jen: Laura!

Laura: Oh, hey Mom!

Jen: Meet my older sister!

Anna: Hi!

Laura: Wait... I have an aunt...?

Turlandb smiles.

Jen: *Smiles* Yup!

Anna: Hi, Laura! I'm Anna! Jen's older sister!

Laura: Aunt Anna...

Anna smiles. Laura hugs Anna, as Anna hugs back.

Everyone: Aww...

A.P.: This warms my heart...

E.P.: Me too, sis...

During all this, a girl the same age as Laura watches from outside.

???: Nice... Just as I expected. No matter.

The girl summons a Mini-Ztar.

???: Damn... I love my Ztar Power. *Giggle* And Laura... That Storm guy should've killed you... No matter. I can gladly do the job myself. Lord Shadownova will win! Hehehe... I should probably introduce myself to Laura again.

The girl jumps back down to the ground, as Ztarbits circle her body.

???: And I know your father won't fight me, 'cause he won't fight a Star Child... Or... Ztar Goddess! *Laughs*

The girl summons a few Power Ztars and a Grand Ztar behind her.

Kylie: Beware, Laura... Your former best friend, Kylie, will take care of you! *Evil giggle*

The Ztars disappear.

Kylie: Well... Time to go introduce myself to Shadownova, and join his side!

Kylie disappears.

(Uh, oh...)

(At least we have met all of my other friends! Anyways, see you later!)

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