Family Problems

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This is based off an RP between me and Infinitetheedge. :3

Snow: *Desperately looking for Luna in the city*

Luna: ...

Snow: *Finds her* Momma!

Luna: Oh?

Snow: *Runs to Luna and hugs her*

Luna: Hi!

Snow: My real parents are here...!

Luna: ?!

Snow: I saw them! They're looking for me!

Luna: Oh...!

??? (Female): Hmm... You think she's here?

??? (Male): She's gotta be here somewhere...

Luna: *Hides Snow in a box*

Male wolf: *Looks around*

Female wolf: *Also looks around*

Luna: ...*On her phone*

Male wolf: *Sees Luna* Maybe she's seen her.

Female wolf: Oh... Excuse me!

Luna: Hmm?

Female wolf: We're looking for our lost daughter...

Male wolf: She's been missing for five years...

Luna: Oh... What does she look like?

Male wolf: This is the most recent photo we have of her...

He shows a photo of Snow at five years old.

Luna: Hmm... No, sorry. I haven't seen her.

Male wolf: Damn...

Female wolf: She ran away from us...

Luna: ?

Female wolf: One morning, we found that our little girl ran away from us overnight...

Male wolf: A couple of police officers are helping us try to look for her...

Luna: I see...

X: FM, do you see that little girl anywhere?

FM: No, I don't, yet...

The two Mario recolors drive by, Luna sees them.

Luna: ?

Male wolf: Those are the two cops helping us.

Luna: Mmhmm.

Snow: *Telepathically to Luna* X and FM?! They're HELPING them?!

Luna: *Telepathically* Yeah!

Snow: *Telepathically* Oh, no...!

Luna: Actually...

Female wolf: ?

Luna: I think I saw your daughter, but not around here. I think I saw her hiding out in the McDonald's on the other side of the city.

Snow: *Telepathically* Wat?

Female wolf: !

Male wolf: Really?!

Luna: Yes. Go check there.

Male wolf: We will!

Female wolf: Let's go!

*The wolf couple takes off*

Luna: *Telepathically* That should distract them for a while!

Snow: *Telepathically* Oh!

Luna: *Takes Snow out of the box*

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