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This... Is a Minecraft Titan.

If you haven't heard of them before, it's okay.

They are only the biggest, baddest, and strongest Minecraft bosses in the whole Multiverse. :)

The Titans Mod is my all-time favorite mod in Minecraft! :D

And for some weird reason, my Mario and Meggy have decided they wanted to become Titan Slayers.

Mario: Mmhmm!

Meggy: Yep!

So, I guess I can let them do that. However, the Titans that they are gonna fight will be chosen by you guys!

You guys get to choose what Titans they will fight and kill.

And don't worry, I will be giving them the insane weapons and armor necessary to take them down.

You guys can pick ANY Minecraft Titan you want them to fight, EXCEPT for Ultima Iron Golem, Witherzilla, and Executor Dragon.

And yes, this is a new arc in Mini One-Shot.

Mario x Meggy: Titan Slayer Arc.

Without further ado, pick a Titan, and wish Mario and Meggy good luck!

Mario/Meggy: :D

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