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Laura's body glows purple.

Laura: I will keep this Elemental Star safe... Kylie... Next time I see you... You're NOT gonna live to see another day!

Laura teleports away.


Turlandb: *Retarded singing*

Jen: Having a retard moment?

Turlandb: I guess you could call it that.

Jen: *Giggle*

Laura appears.

Turlandb: Laura.

Jen: Oh, hey Laura.

Laura: ...

Jen: Uhhhh...

Turlandb: Laura...?

Laura turns around and walks the other direction.

Jen: Laura!

Turlandb: Oi! Don't ignore us, young lady!

Laura turns around and faces her parents.

Turlandb: Okay, what the hell is up with you?

Laura: ...

Laura gets sucked into a purple portal.

Turlandb/Jen: LAURA!

The purple portal closes.

Turlandb: Oh, son of a bitch!

Jen: Crap...

Turlandb: Now our daughter's acting up. Just great.

Jen: *Sigh*

(Crap... Laura's not acting right...)

(This is the start of the Laura Arc.)

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