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Turlandb weakens the Titan.

Creeper Titan: S-shit...

Turlandb: Now...

Turlandb takes out a Golden Apple.

Turlandb: Time to tame you...

Gabriel: Are you gonna-

Turlandb kicks Gabriel in the pingas.

Gabriel: OHHHHHHHHHHHH, F*********************!!!

Turlandb: Anyway...

Turlandb walks up to the Titan, who is laying on the ground.

Creeper Titan: Gonna... Finish me off...?

Turlandb: Nope... I want you to have this...

Turlandb holds out the Golden Apple.

Creeper Titan: A... A... G-Golden... Apple...?!

Turlandb: *Nods* For you.

Turlandb tosses the Golden Apple at the Creeper Titan, the Titan chomps it in one bite.

Creeper Titan: :D

Turlandb: Heh heh!

The Creeper Titan stands back up.

Creeper Titan: I... I feel... Good...?

Turlandb: *Thoughts: It worked! He's no longer evil!* Yep!

Creeper Titan: Hmm... I need a place to live...

Turlandb: I can help you with that, but first...

Turlandb consumes the Titan in light.

Creeper Titan: WHOA!

The Titan shrinks down to the size of a normal Creeper.

Creeper Titan: W-what happened...?

Turlandb: I gave you the ability to increase and decrease your size.

Creeper Titan: Ooooooooh!

Turlandb: Come on. I know a place where you can live.

Creeper Titan: :D

The two disappear to Turlandb's Universe.

(It worked!!!)

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