....Take These Thoughts Away....

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"Grow up Sana.." were the last words I heard from my mother as she shut the door in my face, leaving me to fend for myself.

I woke up in a hot sweat. The dreams or nightmares of her started to get worse as my unemployment became longer and longer. It started to get so bad I couldn't even help Momo pay the bills. The thought of Momo working countless hours because I couldn't help her with money ate me alive. 

I smelled the crisp smell of pancakes every morning.
Pancakes were cheap to get and easy to make. Momo always made a couple for me before she went off dancing at her studio all day. I was so thankful to have her with me.

"Morning Sana~" her bright smile always showed in the morning. It made me feel warm all over.

"Pancakes again?" I giggled at her and grabbed a plate from the cabinet.

"How many do you want?" She looked at me then at her phone. "If your in a hurry only one" She nodded and continued to make the pancakes with a smile on her face.

"Momo do you think I could make Park Entertainment?" I'd been thinking of this for a while.
Knowing that Momo was a great dancer it gave me the idea to see if I could be an performer. I couldn't really dance but I was willing to learn, as long as there was money involved. Singing was whole other thing for me. My voice was weak and couldn't keep my singing stable while dancing, something was better then nothing though so just maybe I could make it in.

Momo checked her phone again and started to gather her stuff up for work. "I think you should try it out. I got to go! Love you Sana~" the door shut and I was left alone.

Park Entertainment was what every inspiring performer wanted to join. I heard it made millions of dollars just from last years events. I always walked by the building on my way to get groceries. It was very tall and modern looking. The style was different from everything around making it stand out. Everyone was dressed all formal when they entered the building. The performers were the prettiest of any people I've ever seen. I didn't think I could ever make that list but my mom always used to brag about my beauty until she'd start to call me a other things that still to this day haunted me. The memories of her words made me shutter in fear.

I had to get out of my head and do something with myself. Trying at Park entertainment may be the changing point for me. I needed to show myself that I could work, so I can prove my mother wrong.

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