....For Her....

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When I opened my eyes I knew exactly were I was and why I was there.

The first thing I saw was a big color blob of blonde. I couldn't see clearly.

"Mrs. Park. Your awake. Mrs. Minatozaki can you just leave the room so I can do some check ups and talk to her"

"Sana" she was here.

"She's gone now. I'd like to ask you some questions" don't take her away.


Half way through her questioning she fell asleep. After that they said she'd be a able to go home.

"Mrs. Minatozaki. Your married to Jihyo right?"

"No but we're engaged." I put the ring away. I had to go back for it.

"Oh ok. She mentioned you a couple times. It seems that she's very much emotionally hurt. I'm going to need you to sign this. It says her father is in jail so he can't sign this but you can."

The paper was for a specialist that helped with mental health.

"She's never went to one?" The man shook his head.

"It's going to be your job to makes sure that she goes and is getting the help she needs. Abuse is a very tough thing to go through. You should know that."

"I know." I took the pen and sighed it.

"The appointment will be scheduled for next week. If she's not ready and worrying to much just call the specialist."

"Ok. When will she be ready?"

"Tonight but if you have some friends that could help you take care of her for a couple of days, you know just to make sure she doesn't attempt this again."

"Ok. I'll have friends come."

"Good. Just make sure she's feeling loved but not overly." All these rules. I need to take care of her.

"Ok. Thanks."

My phone started to ring it was Jeongyeon.

"Hello?" My voice was shaky.

"Sana are you ok!? Where are you? I went to Jihyos but you guys were gone. There's stuff wreaked all over the house"

"I'm at the hospital." I herd a low gasp from her.

"Your kidding right?" She chuckled.

"No I'm not."

"What the fuck happened?" I couldn't waist my time and explain.

"Jeongyeon. Do this one thing for me. Tell Momo and Dahyun to come here because I need help with Jihyo for a couple days and stay away I can't have Jihyo mad or anything so please do that for me"

"Did you two fight?"

"No. She tried to kill her self Jeongyeon."

"Wai—". I hung up. The horrible images of Jihyo bleeding on the floor came back. It's All my fault.

Would Jihyo even want me back.

I put away the ring she gave me. "Damn it. Damn it!"

"Sana!" Dahyun ran over with a worried look.

"What happened? Jeongyeon stoped to see Momo But are you ok?" I shook my head.

"It's ok. Let's go sit down...dose she have a room?"

"Sana here" Momo suddenly pulled out the ring. Jeongyeon must've gave it her. "Jeongyeon said you needed it and that she'll stay away for as long as you and Jihyo need."

"Thanks....I feel so bad" They both patted my back.

"Forget that. All that matters now is" She pointed at Jihyos sleeping body.

"Your right. We got this. For Jihyo...my princess"

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