....Dont Leave Me....

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With mix emotions I took over for Tzuyu and held Jihyo until I feel asleep.

Eventually I woke up. Jihyo was gone.


Why was she still holding me like she loved me. She cheated. She doesn't love me. No one truly loved me but somehow I was stupid enough to fall in love with someone that ended up breaking me.

Her body was curled up in a ball. I couldn't even look at her without anger overcoming me.
Everything she said was a lie. I'd been hurt so many times but they didn't come close to how Sana made me feel.

I gave up. The lights became black and I tried to throw away everything I had.



What I found would scare me forever. She was slowly leaving the world right in front of my eyes.

Everything was in slow motion as I went to her.
I took off my shirt to keep the blood back.

"Jihyo. Stay with me please.."

She violently shoved me away. "Stop. Please Sana"

"No! Never. I said I would never leave you. Now don't do it to me!" She picked up the knife that was on the floor. I jumped into action. There was no way I was letting her take her own life.

I grabbed the blade with my bare hands and tried to ply it from hers. "Let go. The police will be here to help you soon. Please Jihyo"

"Why can't you just let me go! Go fucking be with her! You don't need me"

"Your the only thing I need. Jihyo Please Listen to me!"

The blade was cutting deep into my fingers.
She looked at my blood and let go. Her hands covered her face. She broke down.

The door slammed open and people rushed in.

The last thing I saw was Jihyo being carried away. She was safe but this was all because of me. I was stuck on the idea of her keeping stuff from me. I'm so stupid.

"Your a good servant. She could have died"

Hearing that made me scared. I could have lost her for real. I had to show her.

Show her how much she meant to me before time was up for good.

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