....I Know What To Do....

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After a couple of days being alone. Nayeon payed me a visit. She said that she was going to bring food and try to lighten up my mood. My mood was shaky the past few days. I'd be laughing texting Momo one second and the other crying for no reason.

"I brought ice cream and meat!" Nayeon put both on the table a handed me a plate.

I wasn't even in the mood to eat but I ate just to make her happy. "You look so sad Sana....I don't like it"

"I'm ok." She tilted her head and frowned. "Why are you still in here anyways!? Let's get out of this shity house and hang out with Momo or something."

"I'm not really in the mood."

"Come on Sana!" I looked around. All I could think about was Jihyo and the things we did. I was here but she wasn't. It was so weird.

She was off with another girl while I was here alone. This is how she felt. She's really trying to get me back. "Fuck her! Why! Why!" Tears were welding up. "It's not fair!"


"Just leave me be!"

—— Hey Sana come over?

Ok I guess——

I opened the door to Momos and was greeted with a hug from Chaeyoung. I held her close.
"Is everything ok?" I nodded.

"I heard the news. It'll be ok" Mina walked over and hugged me as well.

"Of course Nayeon had to tell everyone..."

"She was just looking out for you." Whatever.

Chaeyoung pulled me to the couch and put a blanket over me. "Do you want to stay at Minas place tonight with me?"

"No. I'll wait for her to come back home."

"Don't torture yourself Sana"

"No. I need to do something about this. I'm not running away like she is right now....I have no idea what to do! I'm just. I don't know!"

"Calm down. I guarantee that Jihyo will be back. If she's not then you know what to do. There's always a different path." Mina smiled at me.

"I don't know....my mind is so blank...my heart hurts...I feel horrible for what I did. I can't get her back! She's out getting revenge on me! I want her back with me! I can't believe her!"

I stood up and ran out the door. I knew exactly where to go and how to gain Jihyos trust back.


"Hey! You put to much in! The whole bathroom is going to get bubbles in it! Jihyo!"

I continued to pour more in until she took the bottle and hit me in the head with it. "Enjoy your bath honey."

"I'll get you back for this."

"Yea yea. Sure you will. I'm going out to get food. Anything important?"

"Just make sure to get that ice cream I like"


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