Chapter 2

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WORDS: 1423

Paul's POV

Paul awoke with a terrible headache. He didn't know why. He slowly moved his hand to his head and shut his eyes tightly, hoping it would go away.

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that he was in a dark room. The only light that was there, was the light from the sunrise outside. He had been out all night and never knew where he was.

He was confused as he sat up and looked around. It was then that he realized his hands were tied together. He hadn't noticed it before. His hands and feet were tied in rope, tightly.

Paul tried to get lose but every time he tried to move his hands, the rope would burn his wrists.

He then started struggling with it as the ropes started to dig into his wrists causing his wrists to bleed. He stopped once he saw the blood dripping from both his wrists.

Then, he leaned against the wall and laid his head back. His eyes were still blurred from when he woke up and they haven't focused yet. He heard a door open and looked up, startled.

A figure approached him. "Mr. McCartney."

"Who are ye and what do ye want?"

"Ye'll see when I get each of ye here."

"Each of who? Me band mates?"

"How'd ye guess?"

Paul stayed silent."

His kidnapper knelt so they were both looking eachother in the eye. Paul's eyes had finally focused so he now saw who he was looking at.

"Ye know, I have several minions doing the dirty work for me. Meaning, they're bringing in each of ye. Of course, yer friends are oblivious of what happened to ye."

"How do ye know that?"

"Because there were 3 guys sent last night to each of their houses. I gotta tell ye, yer best mate, Mr. Lennon, had a pretty bad feeling and couldn't shake it off. He called his own wife to make sure she was safe. George was with his girlfriend and Ringo had fallen asleep at his table. That's how I knew."

"Ye watched them?"

"Yeh. For a while, I watched ye. That's how I knew where ye'd be and where ye lived."

"If ye hurt any of them........"

"Who said I was going to hurt them? The only time I will, is if they fight back. And, I won't be the one they fight with."

"Don't touch any one of them."

"What are ye going to do? Ye can't nesessarily do anything because, ye could say, yer tied up at the moment."

Paul rolled his eyes and was forced to look back at him.

"So, our next beatle we are going to grab, is yer best mate John Lennon."


"I see I touched a nerve. Ye must really care for him. I already sent someone to his house to retrieve him."

John's POV

John hadn't woken up yet. Not until his alarm went off and he jumped up only to hit his head on his coffee table. He found himself on the floor.

"What am I doing here?" He asked himself.

He rubbed the back of his head as he slowly stood up and sat on his couch. He turned to look at his couch. "I trusted ye. And ye turned yer back on me........or, ye turned me back on ye."

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