Chapter 28

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"John, Get down!"

There was a single gunshot.

Paul had pushed John to the ground as the gunshot rang out. It barely missed him and landed right next to Ringo's head, making him freeze. Paul had landed on John and John just looked startled. George had ducked when he heard it and crouch-walked over to Paul and John.

"Ey, were ye hurt?"

"No, I wasn't."


"I'm good." He said getting off of John. "Check on Ringo. It looks like he's just seen a ghost."

John turned his attention to the audiance and they were screaming and trying to leave. Paul stood and helped John up. Brian rushed on stage. "What happened?"

"Someone tried to assassinate John."

"Wait, me?"

"Yeh. They made a mistake of using that red lazer pointer that guns have. I saw it just in time."

"Well, I guess I should thank ye Paul."

There was another gunshot. This time, it got John in the shoulder and he fell back. "I'm good! He said.

"I need ye four off the stage. Now!"

They each ran off as several more gunshots rang out. They ducked as they got off the stage. A bullet had grazed Ringo's head, leaving his forehead bleeding. He hadn't noticed it until George said something.



"Don't tell me ye don't feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"Looks like ye were grazed on the forehead."

That startled him. He hadn't noticed he came pretty close to death. He put his hand up to his head and sure enough, it was bleeding.

"Uh, okay. Does someone want to explain what's going on and why someone tried to kill us off?" Paul asked just as Brian got to their line of sight.

"Boys, we have a car to get ye away from here."

John ripped off his sleeve and wrapped his shoulder with it. Paul decided to help him and tied it tightly, earning a groan from John.

He then ripped off his other sleeve and threw it at Ringo. "Put that to yer forehead."

Ringo took it and did just as he was told. He still seemed to be in shock about what happened. "Looks like we're not even safe in another country either."

"Come on. Car's waiting. I know ye don't want to stick around here while there's a gunman after ye."

"I hear ye." John said walking out behind Brian as the others followed, still trying to piece together what happened. Once inside the car, it sped off.

"John, ye really need to stop getting into trouble." Paul said chuckling.

"It seems that trouble follows me, doesn't it?"

"Ye know it."

They had gotten back to the hotel. "So, now what?"

"We get ye boys out of here. I already got security on their way here to make sure nothing happens to ye on the way to the airport."

"So, we're leaving tonight?"

"Yeh. Can't stay here. Ye were bloody attacked at yer own concert. Get yer things and get to the car when ye can. Paul, I need ye to do double. Help John with his. Now, he has one good arm."

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