Chapter 45

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Doing a little revision in the previous chapter. Alot of my story from that chapter disappeared. Sorry for the story skip

Ringo's Location

After he took out the guy Paul told him about, he walked steathily against the wall where two guys were, with their backs turned. He was crouch walking and walked up to both of them and stood up behind one of them.

"Hey, did you hear something?"

"No. Why?"

"Maybe it was just me then."

"Are ye sure it was just ye?" Ringo spoke and before both guys could turn around, he grabbed them and put his hands over their mouths so they couldn't call out. Then, he heard voices from behind and faced them while the other two he had were in front of him and several shots were fired, going through the two men and they dropped.

Ringo threw them to the side and dodged the bullets and went to cover. "Paul, need yer help over here."

Paul's response isn't what he expected. "I'm a little busy at the moment." Ringo heard Paul basically grunting in frustration.

"Well, when ye can, I need some help. I'm pretty much in the middle of a gun fight."

"Is that I heard? I thought we were supposed to keep quiet."

"Well, they fired first and killed two of their men."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeh. I may or may not have something to do with it."

John laughed over the ear piece. "Yer funny Rings."

"I got an idea."



Ringo heard footsteps approaching and they passed him with their guns drawn, trying to find him. Ringo appeared behind them and grabbed both of them the way he did to the first two men and he had cut off their oxygen and they kept struggling against him.

Then, Ringo slammed their heads together and knocked them both out. He dragged them both to another room and threw them in there. After that, he dragged the two bodies in the same room and locked the room as he exited. Now, he needed to help Paul.

Paul's Location

Paul was fighting off several men of his own. He took out his tazer because he didn't want to use his gun and he tazed the guy in the neck he had in a headlock and the guy screamed in pain and fell, unconscious. Paul threw him aside and went after the other. He had already taken out two. Now, he had one left, who, was ready to fight.

Paul noticed Ringo creeping up behind him so Paul had to keep this guy occupied.

"So, you wanna fight me?"

"Why not? I think it should be fun."

Paul grinned. "It should be. Because you should always be watching yer six."

He turned around and Ringo sent a hard punch into his face, knocking him out immediately.

"Thanks Rings. What happened to the men you were fighting?"

"Two of them are out cold and two are dead."

George spoke: "So, what exactly was yer idea?"

"They went looking for me. Once they passed me location, I took them from behind."


"Okay, we got everyone neutrolized down here John."

"Alright. Did ye check the rooms?"

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