Chapter 26

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The Next Morning

George's House

George had no intention to wake up any time that morning, up until Pattie wanted out of bed and she couldn't get loose from his grip.

"George? Release me.."

"No." He mumbled into a pillow.



"What if I said I was going to make breakfast for us. Ye are hungry aren't ye?"


"Maybe? I'll ask again, are ye hungry?"

"I guess."

"Ey. Its either a yes or a no Harrison."

"Why use me last name?"

"Because yer not answering the question."

"Okay, okay. Yes."

"Now do ye want to let go of me?"

George growled. "I guess." He said removing his arms and sitting up himself.

"While I get breakfast going, fix yer hair."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Yeh. If ye don't believe me, check the mirror."

"I believe ye." He said grabbing a comb that had been sitting on the night stand.


Paul's house

He was up early as he always was. When he awoke, his body had suddenly been hurting from the day before. Paul was still in his pajama pants when he left his bedroom and went over to his 6 string guitar and basically started working on a song from home.

He still had been trying to figure out how he was going to do his song Yesterday. He told Brian he would finish it before the recording of it. Now, he had a little time to work on it because everyone is taking several days off to recover.

After a few minutes, he decided that he wanted to get something to eat, but, he didn't want to get up. He set his guitar down and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He shouted, not moving from the couch.

"Ey its me."

"Ey Geo. How's it going?"

"Great actually. Just wanted to see how ye've been doing."

"I'm okay. Woke up not too long ago. Worst pain in me joints."

"Ye too?"

"Yeh. Imagine what Ringo's going through."


Ringo's House

Ringo was up about the same time Paul was. He wasn't hurting though. Its as if he recovered in less than a day. It wasn't until he actually stood up that he started hurting. Then, he fell back into bed and stayed there for a bit.

Maureen was still asleep though. So, he decided not to bother her. He tried again to stand, which, he succeeded at and managed to walk out and went over to the kitchen table and sat down with a groan.

He just laid his head down on his hands and closed his eyes again, drifting off to sleep at his table.


John's House

He was still asleep, curled up in a blanket and snoring lightly. For several nights now, he has had nightmares about what would happen to him and his friends. He never told anyone about them though.

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