Chapter 30

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Julian tried to get out of Ringo's grasp. Ringo noticed and placed him on the ground. Julian ran up to Cynthia and hugged her legs.

The cops had finally arrived and John let them in. "Ey Mr. Officers. Come in."

There were several cop cars that had pulled in and the first two that went to the door had walked in.

"Where are they?"

"This way." John said walking over to the kitchen to the two tied up men.

"I take it they broke in?"

"Yeh. They broke in to me shed as well. The lock on the back door is broken.  They never told me what they want. Oh, take these guns with ye. I don't want any guns in the house. Not when a child is living here." John said handing the guns over to the cops.

"Thanks. We'll put these in evidence. Do you know why they would break in?"

"Honestly, no. I don't have anything they want. Ye might wanna ask them." John said looking over at the two men being taken out of his house.

"Okay, I'll call ye if we have anything for ye."

"Alright thanks."

The cops left and John sat down. He slid down on the chair again so his back was the only thing on the chair and his head was leaning back, his hair falling back.

"Here we go again." Paul said.

"What are ye doing John?"

"Don't mind him. He did it once before."

Julian walked over to John's face and pretty much hugged him.

"Ey Jules, its great to see eye to eye with ye."

Julian lightly slapped his face.

"Ey! What was that for?"

"I don't know. Uncle Paul told me to do it."

Paul whistled and turned his head aside to avoid making eye contact.

"Well, I won't punish ye for hitting me. I'll just take it out on uncle Paul. How does that sound?"


"Ye would like to see that wouldn't ye?"


"Ey Paul, come a little closer."

"Nah. I'm good."

"Are ye sure? Because it looks like ye need a good punishment. Jules agrees. Isn't that right?"

"Yeh." Julian said, putting his hands around John's neck and hugged him.

"Come on. Come a little closer."


"Why not?"

"Because I love living."

"Well, ye should have thought about that before he had Julian slap me."

"I sorry Daddy."

"No need for ye to be sorry son. Its Paul who needs to in order to lift the punishment. I would get up, but, I'm comfortable where I am."

"That's exactly what he said last time." Paul said crossing his arms and leaning on a wall.

"Well its true." John said snaking an arm around Julian. "Jules, can ye be on me side and gang up against Paul?"


"Can ye go over there and hit him as hard as he can?"

Julian nodded and walked up to Paul, who was backing up.

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