Chapter 46

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John had gotten his shoulder fixed once again and the doctor had also taken a look at his once dislocated shoulder. John had decided he didn't want another sling and just walked up to his friends without one.

"Lets go home."

"Ye don't need to tell me twice."

Henderson had taken them each to Paul's house. "Well boys, we made it back in one piece. Congratulations. Brian doesn't need to kill us."

Paul laughed. "I'm very glad about it."

John repeated his saying: "Everything will be okay in the end.............the end had finally come."

John gave them each a high five as they walked into Paul's house. Cynthia and Linda were waiting for them to come back and once they heard the boys walk in, they really wanted answers as to where they'd been.

"Ey boys!" Cynthia walked up to John and hugged him tightly as Linda did the same to Paul.

"Yer cutting off me oxygen." Paul said as Linda was basically squeezing him to death.

"Sorry. Now, tell us what happened."

"It was amazing. It finally ended."

"Are ye sure about that?"

They all smiled. George walked over to the couch and pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"We're positive. We took out the boss. No more."

John and Paul laid their backpacks down and Cynthia spoke: "So, uh, what was in those packs?"

"Stuff that would help us."

Paul and Ringo looked at each other and smiled. They both remembered what they did when Ringo had first pulled out his sniper.

"What are ye two smiling about?" Linda asked.

"They kinda had a bit too much fun. They were trained to use a sniper rifle. They had their own positions outside and once Ringo took his sniper out and put it together, him and Paul had a staring match through the scopes. They were directly across from each other too. It was pretty funny to listen to."

"What were they doing with snipers?"

"Watching each other's backs........literally. Which reminds me, we need to get rid of these guns. I don't want it to be in a house with a 3 year old."

"What should we do with them?"

"Paul, since ye dismounted yer sniper, put it in yer safe in pieces. For the pistols, I'll sell them to the gun owner I bought them from. As for Ringo and George, you two can keep yers if ye want."

"My prize possession. I will forever keep me sniper."

"Very well Rings. I knew ye wouldn't want to get rid of it."

John walked up to his and Paul's backpacks and pulled out both hand guns. "Alright. I'll be back soon."

John left, leaving the other three. Paul decided to join George on the couch and also grabbed a smoke and he threw one at Ringo.

"No more." Ringo said proudly.

"Nope. Its all over. We could finally relax."

After about an hour, Paul spoke: "I forgot, we need to tell Brian that we're alive."

"Too late. He's already here." George said as Brian walked through the door.

"One.....two......three.......fou---where's Lennon? He got himself killed didn't he? Well?"

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