Chapter 8

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WORDS: 2171

No where in particular

"Did ye come back with them?"

"No sir. He gave me a message to give to ye. It sounds like he's taunting ye boss."

"What message was that?"

"He said to bring it on. He will take down each one of us."

"Not if I could help it. We need to neutralize him somehow. He will just get in the way of our plan."

"We could do what we tried to do in the first place. Put him in a seperate room."

"Did ye bloody see what happened to the other two guys I've sent to do just that?! He took them out!"

"Sorry sir."

He found a gun being pointed in his face.

"Get. Them. Now. And figure out how to get that Lennon fellow."

"Easier said than done sir."

"If ye don't get them here, I will kill ye."

"Yes sir."


Brian's House

"Brian, do ye by any chance have a ciggie? I have been dying for one all day."

"Yeh." Brian said throwing a pack at George.

"Thanks." George said pulling one out and threw it to John.

"Thanks son. I could use this." Once John got one, he threw it to Ringo, and Ringo threw it to Paul while Paul threw it back to Brian.

"Looks like all of ye have been dying for one."

"Ye got that right. Its only been 24 hours since my last one."

"That's a record for ye."

"No, my record was when I was a kid all the way to the time I started." John said smirking as he lit it.

"I'm talking about when ye picked up this bad habit."

"Yer in the same habit I am Brian."

"I know."

John left and went to the kitchen.

"So, how do the four of ye know they won't come over here to look for ye?"

"We don't." Ringo said shifting his attention to the front door as he took a swig of the cigarette.

Paul sat down and proped his ankle on the coffee table. John came back in with 2 ice packs. One for Paul and one for himself. He threw it at Paul, who put it on his ankle as John held the other one to the back of his head.

John sat next to Paul as he looked at Brian and shook his head, then, started chuckling. "They must really hate me now."

Paul and Ringo started chuckling as well. "Yeh. I would say so. After the stunts ye pulled today? I never thought ye were the type to threaten."

"Don't get on my bad side Macca."

Paul moved away from John a little and had a scared expression on his face.

"Ye wouldn't touch yer best mate John." Brian said.

"Nah. I wouldn't........well, maybe.........if he got on my nerves."

"Ey! Since when do I get on yer nerves?"

"So far, ye haven't. But, who knows how long that'll last."

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