Chapter 20

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WORDS: 1866

They had all decided to sit down for a bit. Julian started crying. John started bouncing him up and down trying to calm him down. Paul took him.

"Ey Jules. What's the matter?"

"He could probably be hungry."

Paul managed to calm him down and Julian managed to get of his grasp and stood up on his own while grabbing a hold of Paul's shoes. John buried his head in his hands and slowly moved his hands up through his hair. He hadn't noticed that Julian tried walking.

Paul looked over at Julian, then, looked at George who was also watching the kid. John laid down on his back and looked up at the sky with his hands over his stomach as he tried to relax.

Paul had turned Julian so he would be able to walk to John instead of him, and Julian did just that, managing to fall several times in the process. John felt a pair of tiny hands on his leg.

"Paul, what do ye want?"

"Ey! I don't have tiny hands John."

"To me ye do."

"Why don't ye look at who it is."

John groaned in protest and looked over at Julian who managed to fall. "I wish I had a camcorder to record this. Unfortunately, I don't know if I could enjoy this moment right now."

"Try to enjoy it. Remember, it'll be the only time ye get to witness this John."

John sat up and Julian grabbed at his shoe, just like he did with Paul. Julian slowly started walking to John. He fell again.

"I guess yer right Rings." John said as he picked Julian up and he squealed. "Pretty soon, we need to get some food for this little guy."

"We will John."

Julian giggled and John set him down again. "Go over to uncle Georgie."

Julian smiled and looked up at John. He grabbed onto John's leg and walked as he kept his hands on John's leg. Once he got the hang of walking, he managed to walk over to George with a smile and he fell once he got to him.

George reached over and picked him up. "Good boy Jules! If only yer mummy was here now. Ey John, does Cyn know?"

"Yeh. I left a note before we left."

John put a hand up to his head and found a cut on it where the gun had collided with his face. It was still bleeding but not as much.

John sighed as he pulled his hand away and saw a small amount of blood on it. "Huh. How did I not know? How bad is it?"

"Not that bad. It almost completely stopped bleeding. Ye got some dried blood on the side of yer face." Ringo said.

"Lets go. We need to get moving. We took a long enough break." John said as he stood up and dusted dirt off his pants.

The others stood up and George picked up Julian and they began walking again. It didn't take long before they heard footsteps approaching. In front of them, there was a guy walking toward them with the same gun John was holding.

John turned to the side and saw someone else approaching them. Then, it dawned on him. They were being surrounded.

He picked up the automatic he had and aimed it. Paul whimpered and John turned around only to find a gun in his best mate's face.

"Drop the weapon, or yer friend gets it."

John slowly dropped the gun.

"Now, the four of ye, get on yer knees."

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