Chapter 42

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2 Hours Later

The phone rang. John walked up to it and answered it. "Ye decided to call me this late? I expected ye'd call early."

"What are ye talking about John? Its Brian."

John started to laugh. "Sorry Bri. I thought ye were someone else. What is the nature of yer call?"

"Well, just wanted to see how ye boys are holding out."

"Just fine. Actually, we got a sneaky plan to stop whatever is going on, if ye get me drift."

"Ah. Ye got another call."

"Yeh. Well, I promise ye, its a good plan. We're sticking to it."

"Don't get into any more trouble than ye're already in."

"No I'm not. Listen, the call was about him trying to get me to work for him. Now, I pretend to work for him. Once they get to trusting me, then, I take them out one by one. The boys are gonna work outside and take them out. We'll have walkies and ear pieces so we could communicate."

"Be careful John. Ye could be running into a trap."

"How many times have I run into a trap and escaped in one piece?"

"Just because ye did those times doesn't mean ye'll make it this time."

"Listen, I know yer worried, but, we'll be fine."

"Ye better be. Otherwise, if ye die, I will bring ye back and then kill ye again."

"I won't die. Now, I'm waiting for another call. I need to get off."

"Alright. Once again, be careful."

John hung up and not 5 seconds later, the phone rang again.

"Brian, I thought I already talked to ye. What are ye doing calling me again? I haven't even walked away from the phone."

"I'm not Brian."

"Ah okay. I was waiting for ye to call."

"Once again, I want to convence you to join me."

John looked at his friends. "So, what do I get from it?"

"You get to live."

"Is that all yer gonna offer? If it is, then I won't join ye. I assume ye need me because of what I'm capeable of."

"That's right. I need yer strength."

"For what?"

"I'll tell us when ye get here. Go to the place where we first met."

"I'm not walking into a trap am I?"

"I can assure you, yer not."

"Now, remember not to tell yer friends. This stays between us."

"Okay. I wasn't gonna tell them anyways. I will be able to come home though so they don't get suspicious right?"

"Of course. Don't worry about that."

"Alright. See ye soon." John said and hung up. He turned around and said: "I'll be at the place where I met him for the first time. I'll drop ye all off a good distance away so they don't suspect anything."

"Okay. Just, be careful."

"I will. The three of ye will be watching my back from the outside. I probably won't get home until late at night. So, if ye want to wait for me, ye can. If not, take the car back and I'll get a ride."

"Not a chance. Remember what all parents said? Don't get into cars with strangers."

"Seriously? Look, that would be a good way for them to gain my trust."

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