Chapter 51

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"What are you doing here?"

"Just trying to get aquainted with you and your family."

"Get out."

"That's no way to treat a friend."

"It is when your friend tried killing you and your friends for over two years."

John walked up to Julian and picked him up. "I want you away from my family. I want you away from my friends. If I see you anywhere near any of us, I will make sure your dead, for real."

"So, your kicking me out then?"

"As I said, get out."

"Okay. Suit yourself." Wallis got up and walked past John. Then, he tried swinging a knife at him but John grabbed his arm and twisted it.

"Wanna try that again? Jules, go to yer mum."

Julian ran up to Cynthia and John brought Wallis to the floor. "Don't try that again. Why don't ye leave us alone? You know what I can do. I suggest you go back to whatever rock you were hiding under and never come back."

"I will never leave you alone. You do know that right?"

"Well, then I can promise you this, you will never lay a hand on anyone I care about. Do not come back to this house. Do not go to Geo's or Ringo's houses either. If I find out you did......"

"I get it Mr. Big Shot."

"Do you really? Or do I have to give you a demonstration on what will happen to you?"

John grabbed the back of his shirt and gripped it as he led Wallis outside and threw him out. "Stay away from them."

John shut the door and turned around. "What?"

"Uh, that was entertaining." Paul said. "Care to calm down now?"

"Yeh. I think I can." John smiled.

Julian ran up to John. "Hi daddy."

"Ey son."

"Did you hurt him?"

John laughed. "No. Not as much as I want to."


"What is he doing still alive?" George asked.

"He had a trick up his sleeve. That's why he's alive. He had help getting out of there."

"The question is, why did he come here? Cyn, did he say why he was here?"

"Uh, he just said he was a friend of yers. He never said his name was Wallis. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him in."

"I'm not blaming you. I know you didn't know. He shouldv'e known the consequences of dropping by. Next time, I won't be so easy on him."

"At least you girls weren't hurt." Ringo stated.

"How did you know he was here?"

"We didn't. It was a coinsidence."

There was a crash outside. Paul looked out the window. "Well, yer car needs to get fixed again John. Wallis ran into it with his car and took off."

"Well, there's that. Every time I get my car fixed, it gets wrecked some how."

"He must really be mad at ye John."

"No joke." John walked out of the house and to his car and looked at it. He decided he wanted to try to drive it out of the road. He walked into the road to get to the drivers side when Wallis decided he wanted to run him over.

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