Chapter 49

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Once John stood back up, he started to walk in a straight line. At first, he did pretty good, and then, he let go of the bar stool and stumbled several times.

"That's what I thought. Get back here before you fall over and can't get up."

John struggled to get back and Paul helped him to get seated again.

"See that? Yer drunk."

"I am not. I could do it. I just lost me footing."

"Yeh, because yer drunk."

"Looks like yer getting no where with him Paul."

"I can tell."

Ringo was the next to end up drunk. Now, him and John were talking at the same time and basically couldn't understand each other. Brian was soon after.

Now, it was up to Paul and George. They just kept eyeing each other as they kept taking shots. Paul was nearly on the verge of getting was George for that matter.

Neither of them would admit it though. And then, Paul let it slip. He slurred.

"Aha! Yer drunk." Unfortunately, George slurred it as well.

"So are you!!"

"I am not!"

"Yes you are! You slurred."

"So, who won?"

"Uh, not sure. But, tomorrow, we'll have one heck of a headache."

"Yeh. We won't even remember this conversation."

Paul laughed. "I know."


They had been at the bar for several hours. Each of them were drunk and barely able to walk. The driver of the limo had taken the four of them home. Paul and John had stumbled up to the door. Linda saw them approaching and opened the door and let them in.

"Uh-oh. Uh, Okay." She grabbed Paul's free arm while his other arm was around John's shoulders.

"Ey Linda."

"Paul, why?"

"Why what?"

"Why this?"

Paul pushed John to the couch. "Ow. That didn't hurt."

Paul laughed. "Because the press conference went bad."

"So, it led you and John to drink your hearts out?"

"It wasn't just us. Geo, and Ringo, and Brian too."

"Makes sense. You'll feel it in the morning. Come on. I'll get you to bed. Hey Cynthia, could you get out here for a moment?" She yelled.

Linda dragged Paul to the bedroom and laid him down. "So, are you okay?"

"Nope. I'm splashed."

"I noticed."

Linda walked out just as Cynthia walked in. "What?"

"Wanna help me with John?"

She took one look at him. "He got drunk didn't he?"

"Yep. From what I heard from Paul, they all did."

"So, Paul is too? Great."

They both walked up to John, who was half laying on the couch. His feet were still perched on the floor. "Okay, come on John."

"Where we going?"

"You are getting on a plane and going home."

"That's nice. Although, I don't think I could last the plane ride."

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