Chapter 56

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John had been taken to the hospital and Ringo had gone to the hospital with John. Julian was getting check out by EMS and never let go of George.

At the hospital.......

The bullet was still lodged in John's back so he had to undergo surgery to get it out. Ringo was waiting patiently. After a bit, George came in carrying Julian.

"Ey Geo. How's little man?"


George went to sit over by Ringo and Ringo took Julian from George. "How's John?"

"He'll be fine. In surgery right now to remove the bullet."

"Ouch. I bet it gotta hurt."

"Oh yeh. I'm pretty sure. He'll be hurting for a while."

"I'm not sure if I wanna be around him during that time. Paul's stuck with him though."

"Not. His house was just finished getting rebuilt. He can finally go home."

"That's wonderful. Now, he can stop bugging Paul."

Ringo laughed. "I think Paul got used to him."

"Nah. No one can get used to that bloke.........uh-oh."


"Uh, we have a concert coming up next week."

"Oh boy."

"Yeh. What are we gonna do? We don't know exactly when John's gonna be released, not to mention, he'll need time to recover."

"Uh, We can't cancel."

"I know. We'll see what the doctor says."

"I hope its all good."

"Well, what we could do is take breaks in between so he doesn't strain himself too much."

"Its only 30 minutes long."

"I know. Do ye really think he could last 30 minutes on stage without overduing it?"

"Nah. I think its a good idea to take breaks."

"That's what I thought."

A doctor approached both of them. "Boys."

George and Ringo both looked up from their conversation. "Ey doc. How is he?"

"He'll be fine. We'll keep him here for a few days and he'll need a few months to recover."

"We have a concert next week. Would he be able to go? We can't cancel it now."

'Well, only if he takes it easy. Don't make him do anything he can't handle. We don't want him back in here because he ripped out his stitches some how."

"We'll be sure he takes it easy. Now, can we see him?"

"Yeh. He's awake. He actually really reeeeally hates it here."

"I bet. Has he been giving anyone a hard time?"

"Only everyone he sees."

"He gets shot in the back and still acts like the same bloke we know and love."

"Well, he's in recovery room 321 if you choose to see him."

"Thanks." Ringo said as he and George stood up. Julian still clung to Ringo, not wanting to let him go.

They both walked up to the room and walked in. John was looking at the ceiling and he heard them.

"Ey guys."

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