Chapter 44

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John and George's Location

John opened the door and they got out of the staircase. "Okay, Geo, ye go right, I go left. We meet in the middle. Remember, quietly take them out. Don't use yer gun unless ye have to. Did ye grab yer silencer?"

"Of course I did."

"Okay. Put it on yer gun. Then, shoot them if ye have to. But, if ye can take them out quietly, do that."

"Will do."

They both were about to walk away when John grabbed George's arm. "Listen, come back safely. We need ye."

"I will. I could say the same thing to ye John. I don't know what Paul would do without ye. Yer his best mate."

"I would never disappoint that bloke."

"Sometimes ye do John." Paul said.

"Go on. Let me know if ye need help. I will come and help ye out. Remember, semper fi mate."

"Semper fi? What does that mean?"

"Always faithful and loyal. Its used in the military. It goes for you and Ringo too Paul. Stay safe. This is a very dangerous job."

"Trust me John, me and Ringo will be fine. We won't seperate from each other."

"Its better if ye do. Just meet up in the middle."

"Ye sure that's a good idea?"

"No. But, if one of us needs help, the other can come and help. It'll be fast if we split up, not to mention, they can't capture us all if we split up."

"Okay. Hey, see ye soon John. Ye too Ringo and Paul. We will meet again."

John nodded. "Get going. We can't just stand here and talk."

George took off one way and John took off the other way.

Paul's Location

He and Ringo had already split up. Paul walked up to a corner and peeked around. He saw 3 guys standing there talking. Then, one of them walked away and headed his way. Paul stacked up against the wall and waited for him to cut the corner before he grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth and put his arm around his neck to cut off his oxygen.

It took a few minutes before he felt the guy go limp and Paul dragged him into the staircase that he and Ringo came out of.

He walked back out and someone had already past him and was headed Ringo's direction. He went back through the door.

"Rings, ye got someone coming up on yer six."

"Alright. Thanks."

A few seconds later, Paul heard Ringo struggling with him and finally, no sound. He knew Ringo got him. (They were only being knocked out, not killed.)

Sorry guys. I accidentally published this too early. I hadn't realized I did. The story continues in the next chapter.

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