Chapter 27

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5 Months Later

Their tour date was approaching fast. It was only days away before they were to go to the United States and were to play at Shea Stadium.

They had each recovered from their experiance of a building collapsing months ago. John had a huge scar where he was cut deeply on his left leg, but other than that, there were no life long injuries.

They were each packing for going to the US. Paul and Ringo were already packed. They always packed early. George was almost completely packed and John packed late.

They were all excited about going. It would be their second time to the US. They were all anxious and nervous at the same time.

3 Days Later

It was the day they left for the United States. John hugged Cynthia and picked up Julian and hugged him as well.

"Bye 'Da." Julian managed to say and waved at him.

"Bye son. I will miss ye more than mummy."

Cynthia swatted his shoulder and he hugged her again. "I'll miss ye too."

He was the first to board the plane and he sat by the window. George walked in next and sat by John. "Ello."

"Ey Geo. Good to see ye. Ye ready for another trip to the US?"

"Not really. But, oh well."

"To be honest, I'm not too keen about it either."

Ringo walked in and sat behind them. Brian had walked up from the front of the plane. "Is everyone ready to take off?"

"Well, we are. But, Paul isn't."

"Man, where is he?!"

"Here." Paul said running up the steps and into the plane. "Sorry Brian. I got held up."

"I can tell. Now, is everyone ready?"

"Yeh. Well, I am."

"Okay, we're going."

The flight attendant walked up to the door and latched it shut and the plane took off. Once it was going up, John had his hands holding on tightly to the armrest and he looked over at George, who looked back at him with a smile.

"What are ye smiling about?"

"I love flying. Don't ye?"

He just shook his head and closed the blind on the window. Once the plane was steady and in the air completely, John hadn't realized how tightly he was holding on until George tried to pry his hand off.

"Come on John. Ye can let go now."

John slowly let go of the armrest and looked at George once again. He just looked startled. "Ey. John, ye look lik ye just seen a ghost." Paul said.

"Apparently, he's afraid of flying."

"And we're just hearing about this now? How many times have we flown before?"

"I have no idea." John said slowly, looking sick now.

"Great. That's all we need. A sick beatle that gets sick on planes."

Brian had been sitting in the very back and barely heard what was going on. He saw George and the others talking to John so he decided to Join in on the conversation.

"Ey. What's going on?"

"Johnny's getting motion sickness."

"No. Just plane sickness." John said.

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