Chapter 59

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An hour before the concert.........

They had set up their instruments on stage and were all back stage talking. Well, three of them were. John was tuning his guitar and staying quiet as he concentrated, Paul was making jokes to the other two, who just so happens to crack jokes right back.

"Remember the time when we didn't need to be scared?"

"Yeh. Miss the old days." John said in a soft voice.

"You and me both. Lets just get through tonight, yeh?"

"Yeh. Lets."


It was now time for them to get up on stage. They haven't been announced yet. John stayed seated, his hands shaking pretty bad and anxiety shooting through the roof. He then thought it would be best if he used his inhaler before getting up on stage.

Brian had finally announced them and they each made their way up. John walked slowly until George grabbed his wrist and pulled him on stage. Instead of John, Paul started to speak first. But, the crowd went crazy. Surprisingly, John didn't say anything. He just looked away from the audiance.

"So, the first song we'd like to sing is one of our older songs sung by none other than George Harrison. Its from our very first album entitled: Do you want to know a secret?

He backed away from the microphone, letting George up and Paul shared a mic with John so they could sing backup.

Then, John played the beginning chords on his guitar and George started singing:

You'll never know how much I really love you.
You'll never know how much I really care.

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Closer, let me whisper in yer ear.
Say the words you long to he-ar
I'm in love with you.


Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?"
Closer, let me whisper in yer ear.
Say the words you long to he-ar.
I'm in love with you.

I've known a secret for a week or two.
No body knows, just we two.

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Closer, let me whisper in yer ear.
Say the words you long to he-ar.
I'm in love with you.



After a few other songs, they decided they wanted to take a 10 minute break. John pretty much speed walked off the stage followed by the other three.

"Ey Bri."

"I see you boys decided not to spend a whole half hour up there. You decided to break it down to what, 10 minutes each before you take a 10 minute break. Right?"

"Correctamundo. Besides, John couldn't handle being up there. He needs a break. We don't. When he was singing Help, his voice was shaky, but, at least none of the fans heard."

"I don't even know how you heard over the sound of the fans screaming."

"I pay attention."

John took this moment to light a cigarette. "I've been dying for one of these since I got up there." He gave a light chuckle.

"Well, ye know 10 minutes goes fast right?"


The 10 minutes did go pretty fast and it was time for them to get back on stage.


After the concert...........

The concert had just ended and they each packed up their instruments and went back stage. "Ey boys. Looks like at least 3 or ye had fun."

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