Chapter 52

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"You catch on. Now, where's big man?"

Paul didn't answer.

"Oh that's right. He's sleeping on the couch isn't he?"

Julian took off.

"Where's the kid going?"

"How do I know?"

"Ye know, I keep coming up with these ideas. I think I finally found a way to get under Lennon's skin."

"Yeh well, that's what you said last time."

The grip on his arms got tighter. "Ye know, I nearly broke his arm last time. Maybe, I'll do that exact thing, but, break your arm instead of leaving it."

"Why don't you ever leave us alone?"

"Because I don't want to."

"Go figure."

"Ye know, I could easily slit yer throat, right here, right now."

"This never works for you. Why don't you stop using yer knife and use something else?"

"Like what?"

"Well, there's yer hands."

"Not a chance. I know what you can do. Yer mate over there trained the three of you to what, fight, shoot snipers, what else am I missing?"

"He trained us to kill if we need to."

"Since I couldn't take yer buddy in there, why don't I just take you?"

"Over my dead body."

"You do know that was the last words Lennon said before he was taken the very first time."

"Well, whoever took him had a slight advantage."

"As do I."

"Not if I could help it."

Paul forced them both to the wall and knocked the knife out of his hand. Paul sent his elbow flying in Wallis's face. Then, he turned around to face Wallis and pinned him against the wall.

"I would call the cops but you would break free anyways."

"Right you are."

"You do know, now I have a slight advantage. I could easily break yer neck. Do ye really wanna make jokes?"

"What, didn't think it was funny?"

"No. I didn't. I don't plan on letting you go any time soon."

"So, why not kill me now and get it over with?"

"Because I'm not like you. I don't kill for shear enjoyment. I do it for survival. Yesterday, John could have easily killed you. But, when you swung that knife at him, he let you go. That's because he's not the kind of person you are. Neither am I."

"So, soon, you'll be letting me go?"

"No. I'm not. If I have to, I'll tie you up."

"You wouldn't do that."

"Well, you did put everyone in this house in danger. So, yeh, I just might."

"And get arrested for kidnapping?"

Paul laughed. "You really think they'll arrest me? When they see you, yer the one they'll arrest. Not me."

"There's one thing you didn't realize."

"Oh really? What's that?"

"I had friends with me."

Paul was grabbed from behind and thrown on his table pretty hard and it broke. John woke up, startled when he heard it. He looked over toward the kitchen and saw several strangers next to Paul, who was struggling to get up.

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