Chapter 23

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WORDS: 1671

They walked into the studio and there was no one there. It was too quiet. John halted and put his hand out to stop the others.

"Its too quiet. "

"What do ye think John?"

"I don't know. Brian should have been here by now. There's no one here. Stay back." John said as he slowly started to look around. Of course, knowing the other, they did the same thing.

Paul walked up to the sound booth. Nothing.

George and Ringo both walked into seperate office rooms. Nothing.

John walked upstairs and looked around up there causiously. Nothing. As he was up there, he walked into a room and took a phone and dialed Brian's home phone.

There was no answer.

Something collided to the back of his head and he fell.

Downstairs, the same thing had happened to each of them when they seperated. Several people had broken in to the studio some how and took Brian and attacked the four lads without putting up a fight.

It had taken several hours before the first one of them awoke. It was George. He let out a groan. With him, he was knocked out when his oxygen was cut off by an arm wrapped around his neck. He coughed a little and struggled to stand up. He held on to an office chair and stumbled as he walked.

Then, he started to get frantic. He started looking for his friends everywhere. He found Ringo, who had apparently just woke up. He moved his arms and George ran up to him.


"What happened?"

"Not sure. Come on." George said forcing Ringo to stand up. Ringo had a bruise on his face. He had been knocked out by being slammed into the wall. He looked over and saw a hole there where he was thrown.

"Where are the others?"

"Not sure. Yer the only one I found so far."

"Come on. They could be hurt."

"Speak for yerself. That's a nasty bruise ye got."


"On yer head."


They both began to walk. They stayed downstairs and found Paul in the open. He was still out. He had been taken out the same way John had.

"Paul!" George said as he and Ringo made their way over.

George shook Paul. "I'm sleeping. What do ye want?"

"Paul! Get up."

Paul opened his eyes and noticed that he wasn't at his house. "Wher--oh, never mind. I know where I am."

He slowly sat up and put his hand on the back of his head.

"Ye alright Paul?"

"Yeh. Except for the fact that I thought I was home." He said chuckling. He looked at George and Ringo. "Where's John?"

"We were just about to look for him. Did ye see which way he went?"

Paul thought for a moment. "Uh, I think he went upstairs." Ringo and George helped Paul up and they all practically sprinted upstairs. They searched through each room when Ringo shouted. "Over here!"

He put a hand on John's back and he jumped up and hit his head on the desk in there and groaned.

"Ey its just me."

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