Chaper 35

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They had been hanging around the bar for about 2 hours. George and Paul had left early. John did in fact, get drunk and Ringo had stopped drinking a while ago.

"Okay John. Time to go."

"But, I don't wanna go." John slurred.

"Lets go. We'll pick up yer car later."


Ringo put one of John's arms around his shoulders and dragged him out. John stumbled a few times as they headed to Ringo's car.

Ringo gently put him in the passenger's seat and shut the door. He got in himself and started to drive off.

"Ye know, ye said ye wouldn't get drunk."


"Yer not gonna wanna wake up in the morning. Yer gonna have one hell of a headache."

"Why did ye let me drink so much?" He said, as he was on the verge of nodding off.

"We tried to stop ye. But ye said ye knew yer limit. This is on ye. Ye know that right?"

"I do now."

Ringo pulled into John's house and pretty much dragged him out of the car and up to the front door. Ringo reached into John's jacket pocket and grabbed his keys and let them both in.

"Yer home. Now, get some sleep. Ye'll die tomorrow."

"I will? I don't wanna die."

"Yer not gonna die."

"But ye said........."

"Ye'll die from a hangover. Paul might come over tomorrow just to see ye suffer."

"That's nice of him." John slurred as Ringo set him down on the couch.

"Wanna go to the bedroom?"

"Ringo, I'm married. No."

"Its good that yer gonna be faithful to yer wife, even when yer drunk, but its not what I mean."

"Oh. What do ye mean?"

"Do ye want to get into yer nice comfy bed instead of sleeping on the couch?"

"I guess so."

"Very well." Ringo helped him up and helped him to his bedroom. Cynthia was just about to turn out the light when they walked in.

"Hey Ringo. What's the matter with John?"

"We stopped off at a bar. Is that hint enough?"

"He got drunk."

"Yeh. Before ye ask, I drove him home." Ringo said placing John on the bed, and he fell to the side.

"Well, have fun with him." Ringo said as he left.

"Ey John, ye alright?"

"I feel sick."

"Get some sleep and ye can die tomorrow."

"But I don't wanna die tomorrow."

"Okay. Ye won't. Get some sleep."


The Next Morning

Paul of course, did come by. Even though he wasn't at the bar long enough to see John get drunk, he knew. He wanted to see it himself.

He knocked several times on the door. It took a few minutes for Cynthia to answer the door.

"Hey Paul. Come in. What brings ye here?"

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