Chapter 50

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Paul and Ringo had gone out to lunch. George and John decided they wanted to stay in the studio and catch up on writing. The other two decided that they would bring back something for George and John.

"I do hope they bring back some coffee. I'm getting really tired."

"So am I Geo. Why didn't we just go with them?"

"Because we wanted to stay."

"Ah. Brings back memories of 15 minutes ago."

George laughed which caused John to smile. "Is that all its been? 15 minutes?"

"Yeh. It seems like longer. Man, I'm not even hungry and their bringing us food."

"Well, when was the last time ye ate?" George asked.

"Uh, is that a trick question?"

"No, its a simple question. Have ye eaten today?"

"Its only lunch time Geo."

"I know that. Have ye eaten at all today?"

"No I haven't."

"You don't normally skip breakfast."

"No, but occasionally I do."

"You shouldn't be missing any."

"I know I shouldn't. But, sometimes, I either sleep late, or I'm in a hurry."

"Well, I guess that's acceptable."

"Ye know, while we're waiting for Paul and Rings, why not make our wait interesting?"

"What are ye thinking?"

"Well, you do owe me 2 wrestling matches."

"How in the world do you remember this stuff? That was like, two years ago."

"Some things I remember, some I forget."

"Which also reminds me, you still have yet to go one full day without a smoke."

John pulled out a cigarette when he said that and lit it. "Not in a million years. Going half a day was torture enough."

"That means you owe Paul, what, 50 pounds?"

"Never mind. I'll do it."

John stood up and before George knew what was happening, John tackled him. "Next time, wait till I'm ready!"

The two were wrestling for about 10 minutes when the other two came back and both stopped in their tracks to see John and George wrestling.

"Its good to know they decided to enjoy themselves."

"Should we stop them?"

"Nah. Geo owes him two."

Paul and Ringo approached and sat down on the couch and just watched for their own entertainment.

George stopped moving. "I smell food."

John laughed. "Is that all you think about?"


They both looked over at Paul and Ringo who were just watching them.

"Welcome back."

"Have fun?"

"Oh yeh. We had alot of fun."

George tried to get up only for John to knock him back down.

"Let me up."

"Nah. Yer staying down here."

"Let me up!"

"Yer starting to sound like Paul."

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