Chapter 48

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"Ello Jules. Sleep well?"

"Yes!" George picked him up and Julian started telling him about a dream he had.

Ringo grabbed a pack of marboro and took one out. John reached over and stole one from him. "Thief."

Then, Paul did the same thing. He reached over and took one out.

"I have two thiefs right in front of me."

Paul and John looked at each other and laughed. "If it makes ye fell better, we do the same to Geo."

"I know. I tried to avoid you two when ye want one."

"But, sometimes, ye don't know when we want one."

Then, the four in the kitchen heard George arguing with Julian.





"John, its official. Geo has spent too much time with you and Julian."

John laughed. "I agree. Jules has that kind of touch. Its hard not to argue with that little minion. He enforces it out of all of us."

"Well, except Ringo. I don't think he did it with him yet."

Ringo took a drag of his cigarette and three pairs of eyes were on him. "What?"

Cynthia walked out and walked right up to George and Julian. She did what Paul does when its John and Julian. She put her hand on their mouths to shut them up.

"Thank you." She said.

John continued to laugh. "So, uh, how does it feel to be forced to stop arguing with someone two feet tall?"

George moved her hand. "You can talk now."

"It doesn't feel great. But, its his fault"

"Yeh. That's the excuse I give every time it happens to me. He does have a tendency to start things."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do Not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"For cryin' out loud. Jules, stop that." John said.

George set him down and he went running over to John. John picked him up and had him sit on his lap. "Julian, ye keep continuing those arguments, ye'll be getting us grown ups in trouble with everyone else. Can ye stop?"







Paul lowered his head and walked away and came back behind John and taped his mouth shut. Once again, he gave a mad look and propped his head up on his hand. In his other hand, he looked down at the cigarette and groaned.

Cynthia started laughing. "That won't teach him to stop. Ye do know that right?"

"I know. But, its funny watching him like this. It'll shut him up for a few minutes though."

John's eyes looked up at Paul. Then, they went down to Julian, who was laughing.

"Sorry John. I would do it to him but he's almost 4. That's a bit too young, not to mention, the tape would just swallow his face up."

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