Chapter 12

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WORDS: 1711

"No. I'm not scared of ye Lennon."

"Oh yes ye are. That's why ye won't let me."

"Stop saying that!"

"Ye know its true."

"If ye don't shut up, I will hurt one of yer friends."

"No ye won't."

"Wanna bet?" He said as he raised his fist, but before it could come in contact with Ringo, John grabbed it, making the guy behind him jump back as John yanked his arm behind his back.

"Yeh. Ye see? That's why I said ye won't."

A gun was pointed at him and John moved so the boss was in the line of fire. "Ye shoot that gun, ye kill yer boss."

It took a moment for him to lower the gun. Then, he raised it back up and fired several rounds into him and John threw him on the floor as he was now sizing the other guy up.

"Think ye'll win with that gun? Yer wrong."

Paul had finally stood up and turned to the guy behind him who had his attention to John. Then, Paul did something he was always against. He threw a punch at him as the guy behind him was sent to the floor, in shock of what Paul did.

Then, the fighting began between all of them. Ringo was off to the side with Cynthia, covering her so she wouldn't get hurt. When Ringo looked back up, there were already 4 guys on the floor and several left. One guy had jumped on George's back and George slammed him to the wall, making both of them fall. The guy had cried out when George landed on him.

Paul was being choked from behind. He was struggling with whoever was behind him. Then, he did something Ringo never expected. Paul grabbed the guy's arm and threw him over his back and on the floor in front of him. He grabbed Paul's hurt ankle bringing him down as well, and Paul just kicked him in the face pretty hard, and the fight between them ended when the guy went limp.

Paul quickly stood up and helped out George, who was still on the floor. Paul helped him up and George's hair was covering both his eyes, so he fixed it so he could see.

John walked up to both of them and put a hand on Paul's shoulder and Paul didn't know it was John and did the same thing he did to the other guy he was fighting. He threw John over his shoulder and he landed on his back with a loud thud.

"Its me ye fool!"

"Sorry John." Paul said helping him up.

"I think ye hurt me back. Thanks alot."

"I said sorry John."

"So, what now?" Ringo asked approaching them with Cynthia right behind him.

John walked up to Cynthia and took her from Ringo as they began walking.

"We leave this place before more show up. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great." Cynthia spoke.

"She speaks!"

"Sod off George." John said holding Cynthia tighter as they walked down the corridor.

They stopped at another corner and John peaked his head out. There were several other guards standing there with their backs turned.

"Rings, ye stay with Cyn. Me, Geo, and Macca will get these three."

The three of them crept up to the men standin guard and they each took them out quietly. They got to the door and opened it quietly as they, once again, escaped. There were several men with guns off to the side, not paying any attention to what's happening behind them.

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