Chapter 47

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"Think you would wanna sleep with yer parents tonight?"


"Just yer mum?" John pretended to cry.

"Daddy too." Julian said as he reached up and patted his head to comfort him.

"Thanks. It makes me feel special."

Julian laid his head on John's shoulder and fell asleep.

"I think its his bedtime." Paul said.

"Yeh. We all need to get some sleep. I'm on Geo's bed so I guess I better move."

Cynthia and Linda were both talking when the boys seperated their own ways. John went into his room and set Julian down and covered him up. John walked up to the other side of the bed and got in. It was a few minutes later when he fell asleep.

Paul walked into his room and kept the door open as he took off his shirt. He had already changed into his pajama pants before he heard Ringo and George having a pillow fight.

When he took the shirt off, he messed up his hair. He didn't care. He was going to bed anyways. Well, he thought he was. By the time he actually got in bed, he couldn't get to sleep. He just kept tossing and turning. He was more than thrilled that it was all over, but he couldn't understand why he couldn't get to sleep.

Paul sat up and looked at the time. He was only in his room for a couple minutes and he growled and laid back on his bed harshly.

Linda showed up in the doorway and walked in. "Looks like your having a hard time."

"You have no idea."

"Try again."

"I've tried for 5 minutes."

"That's not very long."

"It is if yer tryin' to sleep."

"Would it help if I got into bed with ye?"


Paul smiled as she got in. "Now, go to sleep."

Linda reached over and turned off the lamp on her side of the bed.

In the living room, George and Ringo were talking quietly.

"Geo, could ye do me a favor?"

"Sure. What?"

"Shut up!"

"Tired much?"

"Very much so."


That night was going peaceful. George and Ringo had finally fallen asleep. It was about 2am when glass shattered. Ringo woke up immediately.

He heard another piece of glass break. He sat up and shook George so he would wake.

"What?" He said. It was muffled.

Then, the back door opened and George heard it. "Ringo, tell me that's you. For god sake Ringo, was that you?"

"No. I'm next to ye. Man, I wish John never got rid of our guns. Shh."

Footsteps got louder and louder. Once he had his back turned, Ringo stood up and walked up to him slowly. John had taught them all how to fight, so he used it to his advantage. Ringo jumped on whoever it was and knocked him down and the two started struggling.

Ringo ended up at the bottom of him and grabbed a hold of his neck with his arm. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"I don't have to answer to you."

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