Chapter 31

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The phone had rang again and Paul handed it to John.


"Very good. Ye knew it was me."

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? I'm not an idiot like ye are."

"Ye know, I could tell my friend to go ahead and pull the trigger. Ye'd be dead in seconds."

"Yeh well, ye don't have the guts to. Otherwise, ye would've done it a long time ago."

"If ye keep testing me, I just might."

"So, why don't ye show yer face again? Or, are ye scared of what I'm capeable of? I took ye down once. I could take ye down again."

"Not when a gun is on ye."

"In case ye were wondering, I'm done hiding, and running." He smirked.

"Better get that smirk off yer face."

"I knew ye'd be here and watching every move we make."

"Not 'we'. Just you."

"Whatever. So, will ye let everyone else leave and just keep me?"

"No. I don't want to take the chance on them calling the cops."

"How about this, if they do, ye can kill me. Ye already have a gun to me."

"Fair enough. I guess I can let that slide."

John took the phone away from his ear. "Get out of here. Don't call the cops. Head over to George's or Ringo's and stay there."

"We're not leaving ye John." Paul said.

"Just go Paul. I'll be fine. I promise."

"Ye better be. I don't want to have to explain to Julian why ye didn't come home."

"Get outta here." John whispered.

"Be careful." Paul said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm always careful."

"No yer not."

The three of them left and John put the phone back up to his ear.

"They're gone. Now, ye only have me."

"Just what I wanted too."

"Yeh well, ye got it."

"Now, there is something ye need to know."

"Oh really?" John asked.

"Yeh really. I told my shooter that if yer friend and family leave, he should go ahead and pull that trigger."

"I knew it was some sort of trap."

"When you told yer son goodbye, ye should have hugged him because its the last time he'll see you alive."

A gunshot rang out.


At George's House

Paul had pulled in and quickly got out as Cynthia went and got Julian, who had fallen asleep in the back, not knowing what was going on.

George heard the car and he walked outside before Paul could even knock. "Paul? What are ye doing here? I thought ye were going out for the day."

"I was. But we had a slight change of plans."

"If Cynthia's here, where's John?"

"He's in trouble. We can't call the cops or he'll die."

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