Chapter 17

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WORDS: 2228

Paul and John had been going at it for a while now. They were both drenched in water and found themselves wrestling again.

"Think we should stop it?" Ringo asked.

"Nah. Let them go on for a little while longer." George replied as he had Julian in his hands. Julian put his hands on George's face and he just looked over at Ringo who smiled.

Suddenly, Paul threw John over his shoulder and John landed in a muddy puddle from their water fight. Paul groaned.

"Ye okay Paul? Ready to give up?"

"I think it'd be best. Me ribs aren't acting too kindly to this."

"Until later." John said, not even bothering to get up.

"Need help getting up Johnny boy?"

"No. I'm not ye. I'm not hurt."

John tried to get up, but failed.

"Are ye sure?" Paul offered his hand, and John reluctantly took it and he was pushed up to his feet. His back was covered in mud.

"Ey, could one of ye do me a favor?"

"Depends. What do ye need John?"

"Another shirt."

"Ringo can do that. I'm occupied right now." George said as Julian let out a smile and squealed.

While Ringo was getting John a shirt, John took off his shirt again. "Thanks for getting me once dry shirt wet Paul."

"Wait until next time John. I think ye also need a new pair of pants."

"I know! Thanks to ye. Ye drenched me."

"Yeh ye did the same to me."

"It was yer fault."

"I happily admit that John."

"Ye better. So, tell me, the first time we were wrestling, did I hurt ye at all and ye just hid yer pain?"

"Yeh that's why I said me ribs can't take it anymore."

"Well ye should have said something earlier."

"Nah. I thought I could take the pain, but I realized that, I wasnt ye."

"Yeh. Ye could never be as awesome as me."

Paul took off his shirt and rung it out and slapped John with it. "That's yer own opinion Johnny boy."

"I would do the same to ye, but, I don't want to hurt ye. Well, I mean, I do, but I don't."

"I know what ye mean John."

Ringo came back and threw a dry shirt at John. "Don't even think about getting this one wet Paul."

"I'm not. I'm done for now."

"Thank God." John laid the shirt down on the porch and he was unaware of George handing Paul another glass of water. Then, John felt cold water splash on his chest and yelped at the cold sensation.


"What? I just wanted one last splash."

"If ye got me shirt wet......." John picked it up and examined it. It was dry. "Ye better be glad its dry."

John walked back in, with Paul behind him. Paul had disappeared into his room and John went to his own room so he could get on a dry pair of pants.

Cynthia, Ringo and George were all in the kitchen. George sat down, still holding Julian, who had fallen asleep in George's arms.

Paul was the first one to come back with fresh clothes on, his hair was still damp as he combed it.

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