Chapter 11

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WORDS: 2183

Paul was bent over biting the tape piece by piece. He had to stop a few times because it was hurting his neck and back. After a few more attempts, he got his left hand loose.

"Finally!" He said as he reached over to his right hand and untied it. He stood and stumbled a little as he ran over to George and untied him. Ringo was the last one he untied.

"Okay. We need to find John. Stay behind me and don't split up." Paul said quietly as he slowly opened the door and peeked his head out.

There was a single guard at the end of the hall with his back turned. Paul lifted his hand into a fist, telling them to hold their position. "Stay here."

Paul creeped up behind him and grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth, as he whispered. "Yer going to tell me where me friend is or I snap yer neck. Do ye understand?"

He nodded quickly.

"Now, if I remove me hand, and ye call for help, I will kill ye. Now, where is Johnny?" Paul removed his hand.

"He's down the hall. The boss is questioning him before he kills him."

"So, his life is on the line?"

"Yeh. Because of his escapes and helping the three of ye. Someone had brought in his girl and his son. His girl is going to watch him die."

Paul put pressure on his neck, knocking him out and dragging him into the room they had escaped from and shut the door and walked up to the others.

"So, what did he say?"

"Johnny's in trouble. Be careful when we go in there. Cyn is in the same room."

"Cynthia's here?"

"Yeh. Lets go."

They each crept down the hall, taking out one guard after another. Finally, they heard muffled voices, and Paul once again put his fist up, haulting everyone as he put his ear up to the wall.

"Now, how about this, I keep ye alive long enough to watch yer buddy Paul die. That is a way better idea than just killing ye off. Don't ye think?"

"As I said, if ye even dare to lay a hand on any of them, ye'll live to regret it."

Paul smiled as he kept listening.

"And, as I said, yer in no place to make threats."

"I will make all the threats I want. I will hunt ye down, kill ye and then, maybe, yer family."

There was silence.

"What if I hurt yer pretty little Cyn?"

Paul looked at George and Ringo. "We need to go in."

"With what weapons?"

Paul looked over at the guards that they had taken out and walked over to three of them and grabbed their guns as he walked back to them handed them a gun.

"We got these."

George looked at the gun Paul handed him. "Ye do know, I'm against gun violence right?"

"Well, just think of it this way, its life and death, not to mention, John would never live down the fact that his friends saved him." Paul said smiling.

"Ye do have a point. He'll have to owe us for a lifetime."

Paul once again put his ear to the wall.

"Ye know, I'd might as well put ye out of yer misery. Yer pathetic."

Paul heard John start laughing. "Uh-oh. That's not good."

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