Chapter 14

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"So, how's Paul?" Cynthia asked.

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"He's very knackered and was beyond ready to catch a kip. Just like me."

"Well, ye can after ye finish eating."

"Okay." He said as he tried to finish his food, but, he couldn't do it."

"Alright John. Go ahead and get to sleep."

She moved from the couch and he fell sideways with his feet still perched on the floor. He was apparently too tired to move his legs up on the couch.

Cynthia walked over to him and picked up his legs as she laid them on the couch herself. He took her hand and pulled her in and motioned for her to lay next to him so she could also get some sleep.

George's house

When George arrived home, the first thing he did was greet his girlfriend with a very tight hug.

"Ey Geo. Yer killing me!"

"Sorry. I just missed ye so much."

"I missed ye too Geo." She said as she started to cry.

"Ey. Don't cry hun." He said wiping a tear from her face.

"I just thought I was never going to see ye again."

"I thought the same about ye. I missed ye too much I guess."

"There is no such thing as missing too much." She put her hands on his chest and moved them down to his stomache. "Did ye loose weight?"

"Ye could say that, I guess."

"Want anything to eat?"

"No thanks. Its only been several days since I had any sleep. I can sure use some sleep right about now."

"Go." She said kissing his cheek as she led him to the bedroom and he fell on the bed as Pattie pulled the blankets up to him and covered him up.


Paul's House

After the phone call with John, Paul decided he wanted to take a quick shower. Its been a while and he didn't want to sleep the way he was. His ankle was hurting severely as he walked to his bathroom. When he took his shirt off, he noticed bruises and cuts all over. He just kept wondering how he got those cuts without knowing.

Paul just put his hands on the sink and lowerd his head as he took a deep breath. He moved his ankle so he wasn't putting alot of weight on it. Then, there was a noise and he shot his head up.

Paul slowly put his shirt back on and closed the door as he turned off the light so he was hidden. He heard it again. He didn't have a phone with him, so he was on his own.


Ringo's house

Ringo had arrived at his home a little late. Once inside, he went over to his drumset he had right next to his couch and he picked up his drumsticks and sighed. He was so tired, but too tired he couldn't sleep. He stood back up and walked over to the kitchen as he cooked some food for himself.

He soon realized that it was a bad idea to eat alot so he just ate a little. Ringo set his head down on the table in the crook of his arms but kept his eyes opened until he was unable to keep them open any longer and fell asleep soon after.


Paul's House

The bathroom door opened and Paul didn't recognize who was standing in front of him. "Who are ye?"

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